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Mistralys edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 4 revisions

As the name implies, this class is used mainly for converting data of all kinds. However, it also has a number of useful utility functions.


The ConvertHelper class is entirely static. It does not require any configuration.

Methods overview

String conversion methods

  • string2array: Splits a string into a characters array, unicode safe.
  • string2attributeJS: Escapes a string to be inserted into a JavaScript statement in an HTML tag.
  • string2bool: Converts a boolean string representation to a boolean value (yes/no/true/false...).
  • string2bytes: Counts the amount of bytes a string uses, unicode safe.
  • string2hash: Converts a string to a hash string (MD5).
  • string2shortHash: Converts a string to a shorter hash (CRC32).
  • string2utf8: Converts any string to valid UTF-8.
  • tabs2spaces: Converts all tabs to spaces in a string.
  • text_cut: Cuts a string at the specified length.-
  • wordwrap: Word wraps a string to a specific line length.

Array conversion methods

  • array2attributeString: Converts an associative array to an HTML attribute string.
  • array2styleString: Converts an associative array to a CSS style string.
  • implodeWithAnd: Implodes a list of strings with commas and "and" at the end, localized.

Date and time methods

  • date2dayName: Converts a DateTime object to a localized day name.
  • date2listLabel: Converts a DateTime object to a human readable string.
  • date2timestamp: Converts a DateTime object to a timestamp.
  • duration2string: Converts a timespan between two dates into a human readable string.
  • getDayNames: Returns a list of localized day names (long or short).
  • getDayNamesInvariant: Retrieves a list of english day names.
  • interval2string: Converts a DateInterval object to a human readable string.
  • interval2total: Calculates the total amount of days, hours, minutes or seconds in a DateInterval.
  • month2string: Converts a month number to a localized month name.
  • time2string: Converts seconds into a human readable duration string.
  • timestamp2date: Converts a timestamp to a DateTime object.

Type checks

  • areNumbersEqual: Checks if two numbers are equal.
  • areStringsEqual: Checks if two strings are equal.
  • areVariablesEqual: Checks if two variables are equal.
  • isBoolean: Checks if the value can be considered boolean (string, numeric, etc).
  • isStringASCII: Checks if the string is ASCII, i.e. contains no special or unicode characters.
  • isStringHTML: Checks if the string contains HTML code.

Highlighting code

  • highlight_php: Highlight a PHP string.
  • highlight_sql: Highlight an SQL string.
  • highlight_url: Highlight the logical parts of an URL.
  • highlight_xml: Highlight an XML string.

Type conversions

  • callback2string: Converts a callable value to a human readable string.
  • bytes2string: Converts bytes to a human readable value.
  • exception2info: Alias for throwableInfo.
  • throwable2info: Converts a throwable object to a class with a handy API to retrieve info about it.

New here?

Have a look at the overview for a list of all helper classes available in the package.

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