Identifying Reproducible Transcription Regulator Coexpression Patterns with Single Cell Transcriptomics
Analysis relies on objects (i.e., the underlying scRNA-seq datasets and resulting gene x gene coexpression matrices) that live on the Pavlab servers and are not easily shareable to a data repo given their size. Please contact if you have any questions or requests!
The summarized rankings are provided in Borealis [Repo will be made public upon publication]
Pavlab: The data and the associated download scripts are found:
Once scRNA-seq data was acquired, the scripts used to preprocess each and build an aggregate coexpression network are found in this repo:
The Unibind ChIP-seq data used for binding evidence were downloaded and summarized using:
For convenience, the Borealis repo also contains the gene x experiment binding matrices used to generate the aggregate binding summaries.