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Michael Saugstad edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 14 revisions

How to mess with Gallery for perfect screenshots

  1. Removing the label icon from the expanded view:
  2. Moving the position of the label icon. The icon position is set using heading/pitch, so we can find the current heading/pitch and then set our own:
    sg.cardContainer.getModal().pano.labelMarker.marker.getPosition(); // Show current heading/pitch.
    sg.cardContainer.getModal().pano.labelMarker.marker.setPosition({ heading: newH, pitch: newP });

Major changes impacting data analysis

Below will be used to keep track of any extraneous conditions that exists in any of the releases that would affect the analysis of the data collected.


Prior to this version, the task_start column in the audit_task table was incorrectly set to the start time for the session, not for that individual task. This has been fixed going forward. Entries in the audit_task table prior to v7.8.5 have been updated to be very close to the correct start time by using the timestamp associated with the TaskStart event in the audit_task_interaction table. However, only about 90% of the audit_task entries have the corresponding TaskStart event, so the remaining 10% are still incorrect. This same fix has been made for the DC database, although no new data is being collected there.


Up until v7.5.0 (May of 2022), the gallery_task_interaction and gallery_task_environment table were missing a user_id column, so there was no way to connect them to a specific user. This was fixed in PR #2895.

Additionally, there will be a relatively small number of labels where their temporary_label_id does not match up with any such IDs in the audit_task_interaction logs. Most should be correct though. You can read more about it here.


There are a few things to note when analyzing the data stored in the database till the v2 release date. They are listed as follows:

  • Records for the anonymous users weren't marked as 'complete' till v2 was released. The issue is discussed in #403. This should be noted when using the completed column of the audit_task table for any analysis.