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Google spreadsheet tool

florian.stinner edited this page Aug 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

The Google Spreadsheet tool facilitates collaborative work with data streams and their linking. This is particularly useful when already installed systems need to be renamed or restructured.

Get access

If you would like to have your own Google Spreadsheet, you can send an e-mail to Florian Stinner. The spreadsheet will be created as soon as possible. To test the BUDO schema easily you can use the test sheet.

User management

New people can be added with a Google Account. For the detailed user management of a Google Spreadsheet, please refer to the following link to a blog entry.

Usage of Google spreadsheet BUDO tool

At first, the BUDO tool may seem too big and confusing. Therefore, we will explain here how the BUDO tool can be used.

Copy behavior

If a value is selected in a category or specification, the appropriate possible values are selected for the following specification. Google Script has a maximum execution time of 30 seconds in the free version. If a very large range (e.g. three to four categories) is copied very often (e.g. several thousand times), this execution time may be exceeded. This has never happened in previous tests, but depends on the usage.

For copying, we recommend that you define a category completely and then copy it. This makes the scripts in the background faster.

User defined columns

In column A and B, you can define old data point label and a description. For new labels, you can use these columns for your own explanation of data streams. If you want to use extra custom column for explanation, you can use columns BZ++.

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