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NUS3Audio Patching (Features)

Ali Hussain edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 1 revision


ARCropolis 3.7.0 introduces the ability to load and patch nus3audio files in a similar manner to prcx/prcxml in the format of a patch3audio file. This particular form of patching can be applied to a variety of sound files such as voices, music, and particularly se_common.nus3audio, which stores universal sound effects. Through patching, this eliminates the necessity for users to constantly modify the file for multiple sound mods, and by isolating the mod changes itself allows for these sound mods to be toggleable. Do note that as with prcx/prcxml, patch3audio files are not detected by ARC's conflict system.


The process requires the nus3audio_patcher.exe, which can be found here. It is also required to have a vanilla copy of the nus3audio file along with the modified file. Be sure the names of the files are different as well.

Place all three files within the same directory and open Command Prompt. Afterwards, enter the following command:

nus3audio_patcher <base_file>.nus3audio <modded_file>.nus3audio

If done correctly. the command window should display the following message:

Done! Written to: <modded_file>.patch3audio

The file should appear in the same folder directory, and you can place this file using the same format used for storing audio mods.