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Currency System

Daniel V edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 10 revisions


The New Economy supports multiple currencies, which range in various types from world-specific to WorldGuard Region-specific. On top of the type of currency, TNE also supports multiple categories of currencies. These categories are item, virtual and experience.

Currency Categories

In this section, we'll cover the various currency categories, and what each is.


The item category sets the currency to be based on an in-game item. A common example of this would be Gold Ingots. Using this category would mean whenever a player picks up a gold ingot, they'd gain more money for their overall balance.


The experience category sets the currency to be based on a player's total experience that they have obtained via experience orbs, or other methods. When using this category, a player's balance is displayed where their experience level is located.


The virtual category is based on nothing. Essentially, it is just a value stored in a database with no physical form backing it. This is also one of the most common currency categories found in Minecraft Servers, as well as, online games in general.

General Terminology

Some basic terminology used within this page. It will be assumed that you have read through the following terms throughout the documentation on this page.

Tier/Currency Tier

This is a currency denomination. Examples(in USD): Penny, Nickel, Dime, Ten Dollar Bill, One Dollar Bill.

Major currency tier

This is a currency tier, which is a whole number and greater than 0. This is equivalent to a real-world note, or paper bill.

Minor currency tier

This is a currency tier, which is a decimal. This is equivalent to a real-world coin.

Basic Currency Anatomy

In this section, we'll cover the different parts of a currency, as defined in the config.yml Core.Currency section.

Info (Core.Currency.Info)

This section contains basic information about the currency.

Advanced (Core.Currency.Info.Advanced)

Accepted Values: true, false What it does: If set to true, it'll make TNE use the currency configuration in advanced.yml, instead of the one in config.yml. If you set this to true, skip to the Advanced Currency Anatomy section for how to configure your currency system.

Basic (Core.Currency.Basic)

This section contains the configurations nodes used to configure a basic currency system for your server. Note: This section of config.yml is ignored if Core.Currency.Info.Advanced is set to true.

Major_Single (Core.Currency.Basic.Major_Single)

This is used to specify the singular form of your major currency tier's name. Example: Dollar

Major_Plural (Core.Currency.Basic.Major_Plural)

This is used to specify the plural form of your major currency tier's name. Example: Dollars

Minor_Single (Core.Currency.Basic.Minor_Single)

This is used to specify the singular form of your minor currency tier's name. Example: Cent

Minor_Plural (Core.Currency.Basic.Minor_Plural)

This is used to specify the plural form of your minor currency tier's name. Example: Cent

Prefixes (Core.Currency.Basic.Prefixes)

This is used to specify the valid prefixes that will be used when you have included in your currency format. This is based on this site's chart

Example: k for thousands, M for millions

Symbol (Core.Currency.Basic.Symbol)

This is used to specify the character to use as a symbol for your currency. Example: $ for United States Dollar

Item Currency (Core. Currency.Basic.ItemCurrency)

This is used to specify if your currency should be categorized as an item-based currency. Please see the above Currency Categories sections for more information about the Item Category.

Experience Currency (Core. Currency.Basic.ExperienceCurrency)

This is used to specify if your currency should be categorized as an experience-based currency. Please see the above Currency Categories sections for more information about the Experience Category. Note: This configuration is ignored if ItemCurrency is set to true.

Items (Core.Currency.Basic.Items)

This section holds items, and their values if ItemCurrency is set to true. The format is Minecraft Material Name: Value.

Virtual (Core.Currency.Basic.Virtual)

This section holds items, and their values if ItemCurrency and ExperienceCurrency are both set to false. The format is Tier Name: Value. Tier Name should be unique, and is equivalent to denomination name.

Options (Core.Currency.Basic.Options)

This section contains various options that may be used to control your currency in greater detail.

Format (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Format)

This is the format to use for the currency. Formatting is used anytime an amount of money is sent in chat. If you have anywhere in your format, the format specified will be ignored, and the predefined short format will be used by TNE. Variables allowed:

<symbol> - The currency's symbol
<decimal> - The currency's decimal.
<major> - A combination of the currency's major amount and name
<minor> - A combination of the currency's minor amount and name
<> - The currency's major name.
<> - The currency's minor name.
<major.amount> - The currency's major amount.
<minor.amount> - The currency's minor amount.
<short.amount> - The currency's shortened amount.
<shorten> - Added to make the outputted value shortened

You may also use the following colour codes in your format.

Char Alt
&b <aqua>
&0 <black>
&9 <blue>
&3 <dark_aqua>
&1 <dark_blue>
&8 <dark_gray>
&2 <dark_green>
&5 <dark_purple>
&4 <dark_red>
&6 <gold>
&7 <gray>
&a <green>
&d <purple>
&c <red>
&f <white>
&e <yellow>
&k <magic>
&l <bold>
&o <italic>
&r <reset>
&m <strike>
&n <underline>
Max Balance (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.MaxBalance)

This is the max amount of currency any player may have at one time. The max supported value is 900 Nonvigintillion.

Balance (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Balance)

This is the amount of money players start with when they first log in.

Decimal (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Decimal)

This is the character to use as a decimal in your currency amounts. In the US we use the decimal point ".". Some countries use a comma ",".

EnderChest (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.EnderChest)

Whether or not to include currency items that are in a player's ender chest in their available balance. Note: This value is ignored if ItemCurrency is set to false.

Major_Separate (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Major_Separate)

Whether or not to separate the major value of a player's balance during formatting. If set to false a formatted balance may look like this: 900000. If set to true a formatted balance may look like this: 900,000.

Major_Separator (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Major_Separator)

This is the character to use for separation if Major_Separate is set to true. In the example above, the Major_Separator value is set to ",". Note: If Major_Separate is set to false this value is ignored.

Minor_Weight (Core.Currency.Basic.Options.Minor_Weight)

This is the amount of minor denominations are used to make one major denomination. Example: 100 pennies in 1 dollar for the United States Dollar.

Note (Core.Currency.Basic.Note)

This section contains various options that are used for currency noting, i.e. /money note. Currency noting is used to withdraw an amount of virtual currency into a physical item for storage, or trading.

Notable (Core.Currency.Basic.Note.Notable)

This is to specify whether or not players may use /money note with the basic currency.

Fee (Core.Currency.Basic.Note.Fee)

This is the fee charged to the player when using /money note.

Minimum (Core.Currency.Basic.Note.Minimum)

This is the minimum value of a virtual currency that a note may be.

Advanced Currency Anatomy

In this section, we'll cover the different parts of a currency, as defined in the advanced.yml file of TNE.

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