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Xitee edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 15 revisions

PowerBoard install & setup

Read all the steps carefully, otherwise the setup of this plugin might fail!! I know this is a lot of text, but if you want it to be proper configured, take some time and go trough this all. I recommend reading all this once before you actually make changes

Note: With config.yml, it is always meant the config from the PowerBoard plugin.

Note: You don't need to do the optional steps, however you will need to disable the module that you skip in the config.yml.

Note: If there are some errors, carefully check if there are any spaces that don't belong there. Compare it with the other lines. If there is only one space too much it will no longer work.

Note: English is not my native language. There are probably a few typing/grammar issues. Sadly it isn't possible to make pull requests on wiki pages. So just write me in Discord or create an issue here on GitHub and I'll correct it.

Wiki last updated: 09-12-2023 or v3.5.7


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Put the PowerBoard.jar into the plugins folder in your server. If there is no plugin folder in the root directory of your server, you have no server software that supports this plugin. Please use Spigot, PaperSpigot or similar.
  3. Restart your Server. To verify that the plugin is installed successfully type the command /plugins and look for PowerBoard.
  4. Navigate to the directory /plugins/PowerBoard on your server.
  5. Open the config.yml file in a proper file editor (NOT Windows Editor!). On Windows I recommend Notepad++ as text editor.
  6. Adapt the config.yml to your server. Every setting is explained directly in the config.


  • /pb info - Shows all infos about the plugin. (Permission: none)
  • /pb reload or /pb rl - Reload all configs. (Permission: powerboard.reload)
  • /pb update - Download the newest version. (Permission: powerboard.update)
  • /pb debug - Toggle the debug. (Permission: powerboard.debug)

Ranks setup (optional)

  1. Open the config.yml.
  2. Go to the section "ranks".
  3. Select your permission system. If you have no permission system install one like LuckPerms or you will not be able to use ranks.

None (any permission system)

If you don't have LuckPerms, set this as your permissions system.

  1. Create a group for every rank in your perm system
  2. Create the ranks in PowerBoard's config.yml
  3. Give every group in your perm system the permission that you have set in PowerBoard's config for the rank

Info: You might want to use the LuckPerms Web Editor. It gives you a much better overview of your ranks. Type "/lp editor" on your server to generate the link.


  1. Create a group for every rank.
  2. Change the permission: 'rank.rankname' option to permission: 'rankname'. The rankname has to match the name of the group that you have created for this rank.

Note: The ranks are sorted in the tablist like in the config.yml. For example if the owner rank is on top in the config.yml it will also be on top in the tablist.

LuckPerms API (recommended)

  1. Enable 'luckperms-api' in your config.yml.

  2. Create a group for every rank in LuckPerms. The group needs the following details to work: Group name; Weight; Display name; Prefix

  3. Set the correct weight: The group with the highest weight will be the heighest listed in the tablist. Note: The weight cannot be heigher than 9999


    Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Note: When the LP-API is enabled all ranks configured in PB's config.yml will be ignored. The plugin now gets the ranks directly from LuckPerms.

Developer API

If you want full control of the ranks, you can use PowerBoard's API to manage your ranks. Instructions: Click here

Scoreboard (optional)

The scoreboards are located in /plugins/PowerBoard/scoreboards. There is already a default scoreboard. You can edit it as you want. How to configure it is explained in the header of the scoreboard.yml file. If you want, you can also use multiple scoreboards. How this works is explained here.

Tablist (optional)

  1. Go to /plugins/PowerBoard/
  2. Open the tablist.yml file.
  3. Here you can configure the tablist and there is everything explained you need to know.

And this is it!

Just restart your server to apply all these things. Please don't use /reload or /rl, it can cause bugs and slow down your server.