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Xitee edited this page Jun 15, 2024 · 4 revisions

Q: Why does the owner and admin have the same prefix/suffix?

A: This problem occur when you have no permission system set in the config.yml of the scoreboard. When there is no permission system set then the plugin uses permissions for the rank system. But if the admin has '*' permissions then of course he also has the permission that you have set for the owner rank.

Q: Is it possible to sort the Players in the tablist alphabetically?

A: No, sadly this is not possible.

Q: How can I display the playtime?

A: For this you have to install a playtime plugin on your server. Make sure that the playtime plugin supports PlaceholderAPI and you have the plugin PlaceholderAPI installed on your server. The placeholders for the playtime should be in the plugin description of the playtime plugin.

Q: What are the commands for the scoreboard and ranks?

A: The only command that exists is /powerboard, which is only there for managing the plugin itself. There aren't any commands to create ranks or change the scoreboard. You need a permission System like LuckPerms to make PowerBoard's ranks work. You can only change the scoreboard in the config file.

Q: Why is it not recommended to use the built in plugin updater?

A: The updater can fail because of various reasons, for example if the download was interrupted or the plugin is not allowed to overwrite the jar file either by permissions or because the file is in use. Also, swapping a jar file while the server is running can lead to classes no longer be found or other issues and should neither be done manually.
To update the plugin, you should always shut down the server first and then either manually or e.g. with a script replace the jar file while the server is off.