This project repository contains code for GODSAC*, an integrated system for pose estimation from RGB images.
For more details, see our related paper:
RGB cameras are cheap and ubiquitous sensors that can be found in almost every mobile device. In view of this, recent work in SLAM research has focused on performing pose estimation and localization using only RGB images from cameras. These efforts have been fairly successful at extracting features from images which could be used by a robot to track its displacement and its pose in a room. The feature extractors used in such efforts are often hand-designed and do not work as well in environments where the sought-after features are scarce.
The recent advancement in Deep Learning research has led to the development of effective function approximators that could be trained with the right data to approximate almost any function. In view of this, recent work in Visual SLAM has focused on ways to train neural networks to be effective feature extractors and pose estimators. In this work, we train a neural network to predict the pose of a robot given a sequence of images taken as the robot moves around a large area. We then jointly optimize the posterior joint probability of the predicted pose from the neural network and the robot's noisy odometry using a Pose SLAM formulation to get a better estimate of the robot's pose. We perform this optimization iteratively using GTSAM's implementation of iSAM2, an iterative smoothing and mapping system.
This repository contains our implementation of this pose estimation system. Our core design philosophy in this implementation is to strive for speed of inference and estimation. We use ROS melodic as the main communication protocol between modules.
Check out the introduction video here
We test the GODSAC* pipeline on NCLT dataset and compare the results with PoseNet++.
Although this project was built and tested using ROS melodic, most of the other versions of ROS could potentially support this project.
This project also uses Pytorch 1.7 for neural network training and inference and GTSAM 4.0 for pose graph optimization.
To use this repo, first install these dependencies
- ROS melodic
- Pytorch 1.6 or above, tested on Pytorch 1.6/1.7
- GTSAM 4.0
- OpenCV 3.4.2
- scikit-image
To clone this repo as well as the DSAC* submodule use the command
$ git clone --recursive
For the DSAC*, you will need to install its C++ extension by running following commands. Before doing so, remember to specify the OpenCV include and lib directories in
$ cd dsacstar/dsacstar
$ python install
Now you should have the DSAC* installed. Run import dsacstar
to check!
Currently the DSAC* supports some popular datasets (e.g., 7Scenes (MSR), 12Scenes (Stanford) and Cambridge Landmarks) already. You may feel free to check the submodule of DSAC* to check its usage on aforementioned datasets. We also add support for U-M NCLT dataset, which is a more challenging dataset as it contains a larger area and fewer extractable features.
Firstly, you will need to go to NCLT website to download the sequence you want. After downloading, unpack the file and format the data for each sequence as shown below.
├── datasets
│ ├── nclt_source
│ │ │── 20XX-XX-XX
│ │ │ ├── groundtruth_20XX-XX-XX
│ │ │ ├── lb3
│ │ │ │ ├── CamX
├── dsacstar
You may also need to change some parameters according to the cam you use and region you want to sample. Please check the datasets/
script and find the TODO
To setup other datasets is quite simple, run the following commands the dataset would be downloaded and unpacked automatically. You may also check DSAC* check the datails for each dataset.
$ cd dsacstar/datasets
$ python setup_7scenes/12scenes/
To run the entire pose estimation pipeline, first open a new terminal and run the following commands
$ cd posenet_gtsam/ros_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch gtsam_ros dsam.launch
Alphonsus Adu-Bredu, Tianyi Liu, Noah Del Coro
title={GODSAC*: Graph Optimized DSAC* for Robot Relocalization},
author={Alphonsus Adu-Bredu and Noah Del Coro and Tianyi Liu},