This project consists of a ROS plugin to deploy on a TIAGo (from pal-robotics) in order to control its arm in Pose and Effort (following the Dual Control Law described in "Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots, Ed. by W Khalil and E Dombre) using a force controller.
Bellow, you will find the basic steps to work with this plugin. For setting this package up and for more informations refer to the wiki !
💡 For all commands below, the name of the catkin workspace is
and the name of the robottiago-155c
. Adjust to your needs.
⚠️ The simulation is not accurate !
Terminal 1️⃣:
cd ~/tiago_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch robot:=steel
Terminal 2️⃣:
cd ~/tiago_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- ''
- 'arm_controller'
strictness: 0"
roslaunch tiago_arm_effort_controller tiago_arm_effort_controller.launch robot:=tiago end_effector:=pal-gripper simulation:=true
💻 pal@development:
cd ~/tiago_ws
catkin build
rosrun pal_deploy tiago-155c
🤖 pal@tiago-155c:
💡 to connect to the TIAGo's terminal:
ssh pal@tiago-155c
rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- ''
- 'arm_controller'
strictness: 0"
roslaunch tiago_arm_effort_controller tiago_arm_effort_controller.launch robot:=tiago end_effector:=pal-gripper