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Links and Acknowledgements

Ajwad Shaikh edited this page Nov 22, 2018 · 2 revisions


Backend Cloud Platform -


In our pursuit of social innovation and bring together information technology to make innovation documentations indexable, accessible, and expedited, we could never have achieved our product had it not been for the interactions and insights from the wonderful inspirers mentioned below.

Prof. Anil Gupta

We thank Prof. Gupta for the constant motivation and support for innovative ideas. His idea of inclusive development has kept inspiring us throughout our time here at Summer School.

Dr. Ted Moallem

Dr. Moallem or simply Ted (like he prefers) is the saviour to our project. Ted brought to us the right ideas at the right time and showed us the right path. We thank Ted for his invaluable insight during our Skype interaction. Our project would have, honestly, never taken off without his inputs and advice.

Dr. Kanti Patel

Dr. Kanti provided us with the insight into the exhaustive working methodology and innovation documentation lifecycle at NIF. We thank him for taking out time and also connecting us to his peers for an expert review of our app.

Sagar Panchal

Sagar Bhai has been a constant support throughout our Summer School journey. He has spearheaded the mammoth task of managing everyone and despite that, taking out time to provide us with contacts and inputs during the process.

Akshay - NIF, Ahmedabad

We extend our gratitude to Mr. Akshay at NIF, Ahmedabad Office for hosting us for an entire week at his office. Mr. Akshay took it upon himself to make sure that nothing falls in line to the success of our project. Apart from the names above, we owe immense thanks to every other staff from SRISTI, NIF and Grambharti who have worked to make Summer School possible.

Apart from the names above, we owe immense thanks to every other staff from SRISTI, NIF and Grambharti who have worked to make Summer School possible.

Find more about our Project, our Journey, and us on the links below.