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The Problem

Ajwad Shaikh edited this page Nov 22, 2018 · 2 revisions


When the problem was presented to us, we were asked to build an application that assists field scouts to document innovative practices from the grassroot level across rural and urban India.

Road to Problem Definition

Upon Sanshodh (‘research’ in Gujarati), we could understand and map the whole process through which each innovation documentation goes. We spoke to Senior Innovation Fellow, Dr. Kanti Patel, at NIF about their current methodologies to document and collect data. The team was introduced to other parties involved in the process such as the VARD(Value Addition, Research and Development) Team and the PAS(Prior Art Search) Team. A few team members visited Manu Bhai, who works at a Mango Orchard around the Grambharti Campus. There, the team had a first-hand experience the first-time innovative practice documentation process.

The Final Problem Definition

After intensive debates, deliberations, use-case diagrams, and concept mapping, the team collectively framed the following problem definition.

To build an application with a robust backend framework and simplistic
interface that can handle, process, and export a considerable load of incoming
data including pictures, video, or even audio files that conform to the
current data collection and processing methodologies at SRISTI/NIF.

Find more about our Project, our Journey, and us on the links below.