MCODECsuite is a software tool designed to process Methyl-CODEC data. Built on CODECsuite, it includes functions for demultiplexing, adapter trimming, methyl-alignment, and single-fragment mutation calling (SFC), all implemented in C++14.
Tested on Red Hat 7 and Ubuntu 18.04
prerequisite for C++ based programs. For snakemake workflow check out here
- git
- tested with gcc 5.2 and 7.3 with c++14 support
- cmake 3.18.3 or above
First, recursive clone the repo and create a build directory which will holds the installion files and final executables.
git clone --recursive && cd Methyl-CODEC && mkdir build
Next, build the program with cmake.
cd build && cmake .. && make
After this, you should be able to see an executable named codec
in the build folder you just created.
MCODECsuite is expected to work with raw lane-level fastq.gz. This can be obtained from illumina bcl2fastq. The first step is demultiplexing and it requires a sample sheet in csv format for each lane which looks the following. Currently, we have used 3 barcodes.
SampleName | IndexBarcode1 | IndexBarcode2 |
codex demux -1 reads.r1.fastq.gz -2 reads.r2.fastq.gz -p sample_sheet.csv -o demux_outprefix
Given the toy sample_sheet.csv and code this command will generate
demux_outprefix.sample_A.1.fastq.gz, demux_outprefix.sample_A.2.fastq.gz
demux_outprefix.sample_B.1.fastq.gz, demux_outprefix.sample_B.2.fastq.gz
After demultiplexing CODEC reads still contain in-situ sample barcode and adapter sequences. The next step is to trim these out since they could interfere alignment
codec trim -1 demux_outprefix.sample_A.1.fastq.gz -2 demux_outprefix.sample_A.2.fastq.gz -o trim_outprefix -u 3 -U 3 -f 2 -t 2 -s sample_A
This tells the CODECsuite that first 3bp of a read is the UMI and to trim off the next two 2bp. The output files of the adapter trimming step looks like
By default, single-end byproducts are also output to the trim.bam
. To split the output use -S/--split_bam_output
The bam file is standard uBam (unmapped bam) with additional tags
RX: UMI sequence from R1 and R2, concatenated by a hyphen
QX: UMI quality scores
bc: Index barcode sequence
s5: 5' adapter sequence (same as Index barcode)
q5: 5' adapter quality scores
s3: 3' adapter sequence (same as Index barcode of the mate)
q3: 3' adapter quality scores
sl: the rest of 3' adapter sequence
ql: the rest of 3' adapter quality scores
After adapter trimming. The Methyl-CODEC reads are aligned by codec ms-align -b input.bam -o correct_product_prefix -r REF -q 30 -d 12 -R 'read_group_string' -i byproduct_prefix > output.log
input.bam: the adapter trimmed uBAM.
REF: the reference genome
correct_product_prefix: output prefix for correct products
byproduct_prefix: output prefix for byproducts
The correct Methyl-CODEC reads are aligned by BWA-MEM and BWA-SW and have bismark-like tag: XR
, XG
and XM
(see Bismark for more inforamtion) for methylation extraction. The BAM works seaminglessly with bismark_methylation_extractor
. There is an additional tag for Methyl-CODEC: XC
, which has two possible values:
for product 1 and XC=1
for product 2.
The SFC in MCODEC is similar to CODEC and shares the same interface, with minor modifications to account for methyl-conversion in one of the reads.
codec call -b input.mark_duplicated.bam -L highconfidentregions.bed -r hg19.fa -n germline.bam -p lenient -o output
The output of the MCODEC SFC are
output.mutation_metrics.txt: includes SNV_rate, INDEL_rate and etc.
output.variatns_called.txt: mutations from single fragments
output.context_count.txt: trinucleotide context and dinucleotide context counts
output.monomer_count.txt: mutation rate at monomer contexts with all four standard bases as reference (A,C,G,T) and all four bases + 5mC as alternative bases.
MCODEDsuite output.variatns_called.txt has two additional columns compared to that in the CODECsuite:
pstrand_orientation: 0 for product 1 (protected strand on the forward strand), 1 for product 2 (protected strand ont he reverse strand)
meth_char: Z,z, X,x, H,h, U,u (see [Bismark]( for more inforamtion)
The end-to-end pipeline is available at snakemake/AdapV2/Snakefile