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Releases: broadinstitute/long-read-pipelines


27 Jun 16:04
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Reworked SRJointGenotyping sharding to be configurable at runtime. (#455)

  • Sharding now splits the VCF files into chunks by number of bp. This
    allows for wider sharding / better scalability for large callsets.
    By default the behavior is to shard by contig - this is controlled by
    setting the number of bp per shard to be very large (999999999). If
    the number of bp per shard is larger than the contig size, the whole
    contig is used.

  • Changed MakeSitesOnlyVCF task to use bcftools.

  • Updated joint call WDL to accept interval lists.


15 May 18:36
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Made the finalize steps optional for workflows in the srmalaria workspace. (#453)

  • Made gcs_root_out_dir optional in SRFlowcell
  • Made gcs_out_root_dir optional in SRWholeGenome
  • Made gcs_out_root_dir optional for SRJointCallGVCFsWithGenomicsDB


08 May 18:57
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Updated short read variant calling and joint calling pipelines to run at scale (#450)

Single-sample variant calling:

  • Fixied critical typo in HaplotypeCaller disk spec.
  • Fixed wdl-computed divide by zero error in SRFlowcell outputs.
  • Updated MergeVCFs to have an option to name an output as a GVCF.
  • Removed deprecated GC logging flags from GATK commands.
  • Fixed issue in FastQC if no read qualities are in the file.
  • Added missing annotation groups to ReblockGVCFs.
  • HaplotypeCaller WDL now returns the reblocked GVCF.

Joint Calling:

  • Added option to use gnarly genotyper
  • Added het inputs to joint genotyping
  • Fixed java memory allocation in joint genotyping to be based on memory of the VM, not hard-coded
  • Fixed name of outdir in ConvertToZarrStore to be correct for this workflow.
  • Updated the zarr conversion to use parallel Dask processes and to log to stdout.
  • Upped default zarr conversion memory to 32gb.


  • Added stack trace logging for errors in ExtractVariantAnnotations,
    TrainVariantAnnotationsModel, and ScoreVariantAnnotations.
  • Removed HAPCOMP, HAPDOM, and HEC from default annotations for SNP and INDEL VETS filtration on joint-called VCF files. Need to do more testing / debugging to include these in joint calling.


  • Fixed the name of the workflow in ExpandedDrugResistanceMarkerAggregation to reflect the actual name.
  • Miscellaneous updates for debugging


03 May 02:44
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make submissions folder deletion better (#445)

  • make submissions folder deletion better


24 Apr 15:04
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Several updates for making Malaria Joint Calling easier. (#449)

  • Reintroduced ReblockGVCF step.
  • Updated HaplotypeCaller::ReblockGVCF to point to latest Docker image
    with fix for ReblockGVCF annotations.
  • Updated HaplotypeCaller::ReblockGVCF to use 2 cores.
  • Disabled DeepVariant/Pepper calling in SRWholeGenome by default.
  • Removed SRJointGenotyping::ReblockGVCF - it should only be defined
    in one place.
  • Removed hard filtered output file.

  • Updating all GATK 4.3 tasks to GATK 4.5

  • Disabled QC when running on a singe bam file input.

  • Added a runtime_attr override for HaplotypeCaller subworkflow.

  • Update Utils.wdl

Modified the disks from " LOCAL" to " SSD"

  • Updating tasks to use SSD rather than LOCAL disk.

  • Moved HaplotypeCaller and ReblockGVCF to SSD from HDD

  • Fixed a bug in that allowed nans

  • Updated sr-utils docker to use mamba conda env solver.

  • Updates to sr-utils docker image.

  • Updated conda solver in sr-utils to mamba.
  • Fixed minor deprecation warning in
  • Fixed issue in that caused certain inputs to
    fail due to missing base qualities or nan values.
  • Updated version of sr-utils docker image to 0.2.2.
  • Updated sr-utils docker image to version 0.2.2

  • Added note for updating nightly GATK build.

Co-authored-by: Shadi Zaheri


22 Apr 15:52
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update dockstore cli in git action yml (#447)

Co-authored-by: bshifaw


28 Mar 21:11
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Add WDL Workflow: Plots metrics for SV Calls for Multiple Samples (#438)

  • SvQcplots.wdl draft

  • Added concat sv stats

  • added compile sv stats by sample

  • added runtime in compileSVstats

  • added addcoverage task

  • added plotting task

  • adding docker for plotting

Co-authored-by: Steve Huang

  • Update wdl/pipelines/TechAgnostic/Visualization/SvQCPlots.wdl

specified bcfQuerySV task docker

Co-authored-by: Steve Huang

  • add meta section to SvQCPlots.wdl

  • add option to name output plot notebook SvQCPlots.wdl

  • Minor additions (#444)

Co-authored-by: Steve Huang

  • update docker to ubuntu for addCoverageToSVstats

  • containerized compilesvstats

  • added a full path to

  • fix svtypes

  • updated papermillbase docker version build

Co-authored-by: bshifaw
Co-authored-by: Steve Huang


26 Feb 19:18
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Adding Base Image for Papermill Docker (#437)

  • adding docker for papermill

Co-authored-by: bshifaw


10 Jan 02:20
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Adding in all the work from the long-term Special Project Malaria branch (#440)

  • Adding in all the work from the long-term Special Project Malaria branch


06 Dec 16:43
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Added section on external contribution to development Readme (#435)

  • Added section on external contribution

  • Added links to repo site to main repo

Co-authored-by: bshifaw