Use the following hardware configure using this .
- Video camera
- Ultrasonic sensor
- 2 x Servos
- 2 x Motors + Controller + Chasis
- Speed sensor
- Microswitches (tbi)
- Python 3.6
- Python packages in requirements.txt.
- pigpio - see and
- bluez - to access Bluetooth GPS sensor. Device needs to be paired.
- Build robot according to specification.
- Create virtualenv with python 3.6 (uses async).
- Install python packages in requirements.txt file.
- In /etc/rc.local add:
chown root.gpio /dev/gpiomem
chmod g+rw /dev/gpiomem
rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 <bluetooth mac address> 1
- Activate virtualenv
- Go to cloned code folder
- python -m robot.robot_server
- On robot, python -m robot.rpc_server
- Use your IDE and debug robot.robot_server