This program is meant to take a NACC Data Freeze .csv file and convert it into a format that can be easily uploaded into the 1Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center REDCap project, as the NACC Derived Values form.
NACC Data Freeze files are available at
-> ADCs
-> Data Cores > Submission systems > UDS • FTLD • LBD
-> Your center
-> "Please click here to enter..."
-> On the left sidebar: DOWNLOAD DATA > My Center's freeze data > Download CSV File
-> Right click and select "Save as..."
-> Make sure the file is saved with the .csv extension
$ denacc/nacc2redcap <$INPUT_FILE.csv >$OUTPUT_FILE.csv
In which the output file will be placed in the specified filepath (default is the denacculator top directory), ready to be uploaded as a REDCap data import.
The program's functionality is to:
- rename the header fields from the NACC format to REDCap's format,
- delete columns that 1Florida ADRC is not using in our NACC-Derived Values form (currently not in use),
- add columns to make the csv immediately REDCap importable ('ptid', 'redcap_event_name', 'nacc_derived_values_complete')