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Dasutein edited this page Jan 15, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the AutoRename Wiki

AutoRename is an extension available on the Chrome Web Store and Microsoft Edge Extensions Store that would let you save images from social media with much more meaningful file name than the generic random characters when saving images.

To get started, check out the various pages on the right side of the wiki.


The maintainer of this extension and it's contributors are not responsible for any misuse of this extension. Users should be mindful of copyright and or intellectual rights of the images they are downloading. In compliance with the Microsoft Edge Extension Store, please take the time to read the Privacy Policy of this extension here.

Contribution Guide

Last updated: Jan. 15, 2022

Anyone is welcome to submit fixes or features to the extension. Just clone the repository to your local machine then sideload the extension to your respective browser.

Some key pointers:

  • Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to test and develop the extension. Other Chromium based browsers may work but there's no guarantee that I will support it
  • If you are using any Canary or beta/dev builds of Chrome or Edge, please do not include any beta APIs
  • Please use JavaScript ES6 or ECMAScript 6 when coding the extension to keep things consistent
  • Submit a new issue first if you need to add a new library or framework. One of the primary goals of this extension is to keeping things simple and a smaller footprint. Only use a library as a last resort if a particular requirement is not possible with vanilla JavaScript


For this repository, there are only two active branches:

master is the same source code when the extension is released on the Chrome Web Store or Microsoft Store. Generally I don't touch this branch unless it's a minor fix or I need to update files related to the repository such as the README file for example. If you want to submit a patch then you must base your fixes from this branch only

dev branch is where most of the active development is happening. You may even see features that are work in progress. Do note however that these builds are not stable. Some files could be missing or sometimes it may not work. If you want to submit a fix, kindly avoid using this branch and only base your fixes on master branch. Any fixes on master will be merged into dev branch or vice versa.

Other than that, I am not really strict on branch naming convention. All I ask is that you make it clear on what you are trying to fix.

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