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Amit Bennan edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 1 revision

How can I model custom particle machines in matRad

You need to provide your own base data file according to our examples (proton_Generic.mat, carbon_Generic.mat). More information about the format is summarized in this wiki page.

How can I use a custom HLUT table in matRad?

matRad has the following procedure for reading HU lookup tables via matRad_loadHLUT.m during the dose calculation:

  • matRad first checks if there is any .hlut file provided by the user in the hlutlibrary directory, with the following naming convention: MANUFACTURER-MODEL-ConvolutionKernel_CONVOLUTIONKERNEL_RADIATIONMODALITY.hlut (e.g. Philips-AcQSimCT-ConvolutionKernel-000000_protons.hlut).

  • If there is no file with this name available, matRad would use its own default lookup table with the following naming convention: matRad_default_RADIATIONMODALITY.hlut (e.g. matRad_default.hlut). This file comprises two columns, first is the HU units and second is the corresponding electron density/stopping power (comments indicated by starting a line with "#" will be omitted).

Generating your own custom HLUT table can therefore be done in two ways, either making a custom file with the mentioned naming convention or changing the default tables provided by matRad (not recommended).

Why is the matRad GUI slow (macOS) ?

This issue may be caused by conflicts between MATLAB and window-snapping apps on macOS (Rectangle, BetterTouchTool, Magnet etc.). May be remedied by quitting the app or disabling the "Window Snapping " feature then restarting MATLAB.

For further information refer to :