Usability improvements through optimisation of tables and plots, with 50-90% smaller output reports. Addition of searching and filtering to all tables, with use of deferred rendering for all data to greatly improve loading times.
- use of dataTables JS library for improved interaction with HTML tables. Also reduces file size through storing all tabular data in an array without HTML markup.
- reduced whole gene plot size by ~60%
- reduced interactive plot size from ~1MB to ~4KB per plot through storing data in array and plotting on render
- removal of all expandable sections, moved to fixed scrollable windows handled by dataTables
- replaced bed file annotation with Python script, now strips
prefixes from all files if present to prevent bedtools intersect fail - multiprocessing added to generating low exon plot data arrays to leverage available CPU cores
- improve clinical summary text section
- other minor visual improvements
Bug Fixes
- Fixes #30 - specify UTF8 in HTML to handle incorrectly rendering characters
- Fixes #20 - fix bug in having
in multiprocess map, use ofimap_unordered()
with exception raised correctly terminates worker pool and no longer hangs indefinitely - Fixes crashing on large panels due to no longer loading all data on initial rendering