- Annotates and filters sentieon mutect2 and pindel VCFs
- Produces an excel workbook with sub-panels presented in separate sheets; also provides preformatted text to aid Epic data entry
- Produces a VCF that can be used as input for BSVI, as BSVI can't handle mutect2's (VCFv4.2 compliant) representation of multiallelic variants in VCF
- bcftools (v1.12)
- bedtools (v2.30.0)
- python_packages (numpy-1.20.1, pandas-1.2.3, pytz-2021.1, XlsxWriter-1.4.0)
- VEP (v103.1) (docker image)
- VEP refseq (v103) annotation sources
- CADD (v1.6) which now includes splicing
- ClinVar VCF (20210501 release) modified to add chr prefix
- Merged VCF containing counts of each variant detected known set of samples (provided as separate input from tarball)
- VCF output from sentieon mutect2 as part of Uranus workflow
- VCF output (+ index) from cgppindel as part of Uranus workflow
- BED file that details ROIs for myeloid NGS panel
- BED file that details ROIs for filtering cgppindel output
- Genome FASTA and index that was used by to generate the VCF
- VEP docker image (
) - VEP plugins (
) - VEP reference files (
) - VEP annotation sources (
)- Cosmic Coding Variants VCF
- Cosmic NonCoding Variants VCF
- ClinVar VCF
- MAF file created from known set of samples
- Excel workbook of annotated variants
- BSVI-friendly VCF
- Intermediate VCFs
- header modified VCFs for uploading to openCGA
- Filters mutect2 VCF with bedtools:
- retain variants within ROI
- Filters mutect2 VCF with bcftools:
- retain positions where at least one variant has AF > 0.03
- retain positions where DP >99
- split multiallelics using
--keep-sum AD
which changes the ref AD to be the sum of AD's - split multiallelics requires fixing AD and RPA number field in header from
- Filters cgppindel VCF with bcftools:
- only indels that intersect with the exons of interest bed file
- only insertions with length greater than 2. This will remove the 1 bp false positive insertions.
- Annotates mutect2 and cgppindel VCF with VEP:
- Annotate against specified RefSeq transcripts with:
- gene symbol
- variant class
- variant consequence
- exon number
- HGVS c. & p.
- gnomAD AF
- PolyPhen
- dbSNP
- ClinVar
- previous counts
- Annotate against specified RefSeq transcripts with:
- Filters VCFs with VEP:
- Retain variants with gnomAD AF < 0.1
- Remove synonymous variants
- Filters by transcripts defined in
for each panel
- Generates variant lists (one panel + pindel VCF per sheet) in an excel workbook
- Generates BSVI-friendly VCF
- Designed to be used as part of Uranus workflow for processing myeloid NGS panel
- When building the app, mark-section and mark-success must be executable for the app to build correctly - these two scripts are executable in this repo but it can be easy to miss if the executable bit is lost as it's a metadata change