To run this code, you need to have:
- A MANE Select file downloaded from Ensembl (for build 37), or a MANE Select file from RefSeq (for build 38)
- A HGNC dump downloaded from (default columns). This is not needed if a RefSeq MANE gff is being used, because the HGNC IDs are included in the gff.
- A local HGMD database
DNAnexus has some HGMD dumps in dev projects. To setup the HGMD database:
- Download the dump (.dump.gz)
- Unzip it
- Import it
Commands to do it:
dx download ${hgmd_dump}
gunzip ${hgmd_dump}
# in mysql environment
mysql> create database ${hgmd_database_name};
# exit mysql environment with ctrl + D
mysql -D ${hgmd_database_name} < ${hgmd_dump}
Create a user for the HGMD database:
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'hgmd_ro'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'hgmdreadonly';
GRANT SELECT ON ${hgmd_database_name} . * TO 'hgmd_ro'@'localhost';
Setup environment
python3 -m venv ${path_to_env}
pip install -r requirements.txt
The symbol file and hgnc files are single column files with a single element per row.
source ${path_to_env}/bin/activate
python --hgnc_dump ${hgnc_dump} convert_symbols -symbols ${symbol} ${symbol} ...
python --hgnc_dump ${hgnc_dump} convert_symbols -symbol_file ${symbol_file}
# for build 37, Ensembl MANE Select csv
python --hgnc_dump ${hgnc_dump} assign_transcripts -mane ${Ensembl_MANE_Select_file} -hgmd ${database_name} ${database_usr} ${database_pwd} -hgnc_ids ${hgnc_id} ${hgnc_id} ...
python --hgnc_dump ${hgnc_dump} assign_transcripts -mane ${Ensembl_MANE_Select_file} -hgmd ${database_name} ${database_usr} ${database_pwd} -hgnc_file ${hgnc_file}
# for build 38, RefSeq MANE gff
python assign_transcripts --mane_gff ${MANE_RefSeq_gff} -hgmd ${database_name} ${database_usr} ${database_pwd} -hgnc_ids ${hgnc_id} ${hgnc_id} ...
python assign_transcripts --mane_gff ${MANE_RefSeq_gff} -hgmd ${database_name} ${database_usr} ${database_pwd} -hgnc_file ${hgnc_file}
By default, the output created by this script will be located ./YYMMDD_results
. If that folder already exists, a new folder will be created with an number to differentiate folders.
Otherwise a custom output folder can be specified like so:
python -o ${output_folder} --hgnc_dump ${hgnc_dump} ...
The convert_symbols
command will output one file called hgnc_ids.txt
with the following format:
gene_symbol hgnc_id outcome
The gene_symbol
column will contain all the symbols passed to g2t_ops.
The hgnc_id
column will contain either the HGNC id found or None
depending on the outcome of the search in the HGNC dump.
The outcome
column will contain the outcome of the search i.e. in which column the HGNC id was found (Main, Previous, Alias) or if it is not, why it wasn't found (Multiple Previous, Multiple Alias).
The transcript_assigner
command will output 3 files called:
- g2t_file.tsv
- sql_queries_to_import.sql
- gene_transcript_status.txt
The first is formatted as such:
gene transcript status source
These columns represent:
HGNC ID | Transcript | Clinical transcript status (i.e. could the code find a match in MANE or HGMD) | Source of the clinical transcript (i.e. MANE or HGMD) |
For every gene passed, its transcripts gathered from either a given exon file or a default exon file in 001_Reference. The status
column will inform whether the transcript is the clinical transcript or not. And the source
column informs how the clinical transcript status was selected (MANE/HGMD).
The second file contains the SQL queries needed to import the genes and the transcripts.
The third file contains the genes and if a clinical transcript was found for it.