Releases: eez-open/psu-firmware
SD card file management and file transfer to/from host computer (SCPI only), internal data logging (SCPI only), PID controller for fan speed and various small fixes and enhancements.
Check also the EEZ Studio for session based interaction with EEZ H24005 (or many other instruments with SCPI support) that include SCPI commands help, LIST editor, logged data presentation, session history, etc.
- #6
requires more specific error when non-existent profile is selected - #88 File manager for SD card (SCPI only)
- #165 Prepare .HEX/.bin for direct firmware upload without Arduino IDE
- #175 Change identification string
- #176 Step mode value storage
- #177
is not implemented - #178
is not implemented - #180 Daylight saving (DST) change failed
- #182
blocks MCU when send via serial - #183 Power limit warning can be overridden in serial coupling mode
- #184 Decrease frequency of saving changes into EEPROM
- #185 Consolidated error messages for calibration and system password
- #186 Increasing value by encoder in confirmation mode doesn't work
- #187 Erratic premature disabling of down-programmer on output off with
- #188 Fan speed control logic (using PID)
- #192 Changed subsystem for
SCPI commands toSYSTem
subsystem - #193 Can't enable serial with non 9600 baud rate
- #194 Switch off all outputs when reverse polarity tripped
- #195 Initiate touchscreen calibration when calibration data are lost or corrupted
- #197 Fan fail message during startup self-test when using a larger, slower fan
- #198 Internal data logging (SCPI only)
- #201 SCPI limit fix for for voltage/current/power
- #203 Trigger cannot start if output values are limited on other channel
Please note that for successful compilation this firmware require also SdFat library.
Known issues:
- File downloading (from host PC to the EEZ H24005) using serial port frequently failed because a data chunk for unknown reason never reach the MCU (i.e. Arduino Due). That issue does not exist on Ethernet connection regardless of data chunk size.
- Disconnecting of USB cable while serial communication is active can block Arduino Due because Arduino library will wait indefinitely since serial buffer cannot be emptied.
- #122 Change trigger mode when trigger is active
- #161 Selftest failed on serial remote session when temp sensor is not detected
- #162 Can't exit screen lock after reboot, date/time dialog present
- #166 Pin1 inhibit functionality
- #167 Invalid protection trip condition when enters coupling mode
- #170 YT-view display issue
- #171 Calibration params cannot be saved
- #172 SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle does not affect displayed icon
- #173 User profile recall can affect output state when protection trip is not cleared
- #174 Restarting list when trigger is still active
This release is a hot fix to address #149 issue with calibration on older Power boards (r5B9) and strange behavior of channel settings. Another important change is #135 that now allows selection of USB port during compilation time.
The so-called native port is now set as default one. Therefore PSU will not be restarted each time a new serial communication is established.
In addition the following small fixes are included:
- #150 Changing luminosity of background colors
- #151 Touch screen calibration error last too short
- #153 Channel output on/off should respond on touch down
- #154 AUX temp sensor clear option behavior when disabled
- #155 Tracking and coupling options if two channels are not available
- #156 Compilation error when all debug options are disabled
1.0 (Crowd Supply group buy release)
Release uploaded on Arduino Due delivered to backers of group buy organized as crowdfunding campaign on Crowd Supply. The following changes and improvements are added into this release:
- #99 Indication that
is running with longDWELl
times - #109 Serial/USB communication settings
- #110 Additional Ethernet settings
- #113 Additional date/time settings (NTP, DTS support)
- #115 Limit number of remote requests
- #120 Add support for digital I/O
- #124 Max. input voltage protection in remote programming mode
- #127 Short flash of all front panel LEDs during selftest procedure
- #129 Protection trip cannot stop
- #131 Icons for AUX temp sensor, serial and Ethernet
- #132 Change trigger mode cannot stop
- #137 Changing luminosity of background color
- #138 Start of calibration procedure cannot stop
- #142 Continuous switching current ranges when output is in UR mode (see also #106)
- #146 Current range switching when output is enabled
List of known issues and not implemented but possibly useful enhancements:
Milestone 5
New Arduino shield r5B12 and Power board r5B12 with dual current range is now supported (#92, #108). That include auto-ranging feature. Output values set and measurement precision is now improved (#91) and for current it can be 0.1 mA (low range) and 1 mA (high range). Few other bug fixes and small improvements are also included in this release:
- #45 First time installation wizard
- #79 Displaying calibration values
- #86 DISPlay SCPI subsystem
- #87 Stand by button enhancement
- #90 Working with LIST without SD card
- #102 Entering calibration when channel is in error mode
- #103 Aborting trigger when different modes are selected
- #115 Limit number of remote requests
- #117 Select LIST exit action on Channel Trigger settings page
- #118 Change temp sensor params
- #119 AUX OTP trip info
- #145 Some status register's bits were not affected
Milestone 4
The main goal of this milestone was to support triggering and output programming using list of values. Additionally encoder with switch is also supported and YT view of up to two different output values per channel:
- #57 YT view mode
- #59 Ethernet communication stops working in M3
- #60 Local console unlock when in REMote mode
- #61 LRIP and POWer info on Step and Slider pages
- #63 Remote programming and voltage limit
- #64 Voltage and current calibration for Power board r5B10 and newer
- #68 LRIPple clean up
- #69 Limit error and option to change it
- #70 Channel display view settings
- #72 Add support for encoder
- #74 Enable OE selection on all pages with channel output info
- #75 Sketch compilation when OPTION_DISPLAY 0 without display lib
- #76 Touch screen calibration stuck
- #84 Encoder confirmation mode timeout
Please note that M4 comes with the following options enabled by default:
- Encoder (
) - SD card and (
) - Arduino board r5B12 (
Define other Arduino board (i.e. r3B4) or disable unsupported/uninstalled options in conf_user.h
before compiling.
Milestone 3
The following important new features among others has been added in this release:
- #35 Channel coupling in SERies and PARalell with balancing (see an example in figure below)
- #42 Channel TRACking mode when both channels are controlled simultaneously
- #52 LOCal/REMote mode of operation, front panel lock
- #33 Detection of excessive negative power (power sinking instead of sourcing) to prevent down programmer overheating
- #20 Values smaller then 1.00 is now displayed in mV and mA units
- #29 All channel outputs are immediately disabled if power up self-test failed
- #38, #39 AUX temperature sensor settings page
- #47 System protection settings page and SCPI commands added to define power up and shut down behavior
- #18 Additional protection on power up when user profile auto-recall feature is selected
- #48 Voltage and current LIMit instead of MAXimum defines full scale value on both Bar graph views (horizontal and vertical)
- #21 Input data validation during touchscreen calibration
- #49 Invalid fan speed measurement
- #53 Click tone and Sound control page
Known issues:
- #59 Ethernet communication stops working
Milestone 2
This release support EEZ PSU H24005 and comes with the following features:
- TFT color touchscreen as a local console
- Touchscreen calibration wizard
- Voltage and current calibration wizard
- Three modes of displaying output values
- Low ripple mode of operation
- W5500 Ethernet controller support
- Event viewer
- Remote voltage programming
- Remote voltage sense
- Cooling fan control