SD card file management and file transfer to/from host computer (SCPI only), internal data logging (SCPI only), PID controller for fan speed and various small fixes and enhancements.
Check also the EEZ Studio for session based interaction with EEZ H24005 (or many other instruments with SCPI support) that include SCPI commands help, LIST editor, logged data presentation, session history, etc.
- #6
requires more specific error when non-existent profile is selected - #88 File manager for SD card (SCPI only)
- #165 Prepare .HEX/.bin for direct firmware upload without Arduino IDE
- #175 Change identification string
- #176 Step mode value storage
- #177
is not implemented - #178
is not implemented - #180 Daylight saving (DST) change failed
- #182
blocks MCU when send via serial - #183 Power limit warning can be overridden in serial coupling mode
- #184 Decrease frequency of saving changes into EEPROM
- #185 Consolidated error messages for calibration and system password
- #186 Increasing value by encoder in confirmation mode doesn't work
- #187 Erratic premature disabling of down-programmer on output off with
- #188 Fan speed control logic (using PID)
- #192 Changed subsystem for
SCPI commands toSYSTem
subsystem - #193 Can't enable serial with non 9600 baud rate
- #194 Switch off all outputs when reverse polarity tripped
- #195 Initiate touchscreen calibration when calibration data are lost or corrupted
- #197 Fan fail message during startup self-test when using a larger, slower fan
- #198 Internal data logging (SCPI only)
- #201 SCPI limit fix for for voltage/current/power
- #203 Trigger cannot start if output values are limited on other channel
Please note that for successful compilation this firmware require also SdFat library.
Known issues:
- File downloading (from host PC to the EEZ H24005) using serial port frequently failed because a data chunk for unknown reason never reach the MCU (i.e. Arduino Due). That issue does not exist on Ethernet connection regardless of data chunk size.
- Disconnecting of USB cable while serial communication is active can block Arduino Due because Arduino library will wait indefinitely since serial buffer cannot be emptied.