- source ROS 2 (source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash)
- navigate your ws (cd ~/AUV_ws)
- build ws packages (colcon build --packages-select )or (colcon build)to build all packages at once
- source the workspace (. install/setup.bash)
- launch the launch file (ros2 launch gate_detection gate_detection.launch.py)
- the defualt client request here is the image path '/home/fatma/AUV_ws/src/frame112.jpg'
- to run the client node with your image path request:
- open two terminals then source the workspace at each one (. install/setup.bash)
- at the first terminal run service node (ros2 run gate_detection service)
- then in the second terminal to run client node (ros2 run gate_detection client <img_path>)