Sprint 8
307 Petitioner: Select party type and enter appropriate contact information
Added a lot to the start a case.
776 Petitioner: Login (Bare Bones)
Setup cognito login functionality.
313 Petitioner: Automatic creation of case caption
Generating the case caption.
789 Petitioner: Registration (Bare Bones)
Setup cognito registration.
645 Petitioner: Verify that I am Filing Petition for Myself
Added some help text to explain the criteria for filing for myself:
644 Petitioner: Warning of timeliness of electronic Petition
We added a interstitial page before you can start a case which gives extra information required before you can start a case.
Jenkins Setup
- You'll need to add another ENV variable to Jenkins.
- navigate to the configure system page in Jenkins:
- add the following in global env variables: COGNITO_SUFFIX // ustc-efcms
- COGNITO_SUFFIX is used for the cognito URL created after a deploy
- navigate to the configure system page in Jenkins:
- You'll need to setup a secret text credential in Jenkins:
- navigate to the global credentials section in Jenkins:
- click
Add Credentials
- select
Secret Text
- let ID be
- let Secret be some secure password
- USTC_ADMIN_PASS is the password used for the cognito admin user
- navigate to the global credentials section in Jenkins:
Deploy Steps
Follow additional Jenkins setup described above before doing these ^
- delete the cloud formation stack for efcms-stg on us-east-1
- delete the cloud formation stack for efcms-stg on us-west-1
- run deploy