Cover Obj: stanford bunny (4000 triangles)
Cover Material: jade (baseColor: 0.55, 0.78, 0.55 / IOR = 1.79 / subsurface = 1.0)
After 《Ray Tracing in One Weekend Book Series》 and 《LearnOpenGL》, is time to make ray-tracing in GLSL.
Functionality | Library |
Mesh Loading | assimp |
OpenGL Function Loader | glad |
Windowing and Input | glfw |
OpenGL Mathematics | glm |
Texture Loading | stb |
HDR Image Reader | hdrloader |
Graphical User Interface | imgui |
Physically Based Shading at Disney
Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering (Brent Burley)
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
AKGWSB/EzRT: Easy Ray Tracing, a lite renderer and tutorial from theory to implement, with OpenGL
GitHub - knightcrawler25/GLSL-PathTracer: A GLSL Path Tracer
blender/gpu_shader_material_principled.glsl at master · blender/blender
- Volume Scattering
- Compute Shader (WINDOWS only, OSX supports up to native OpenGL version 4.1)
- Texture Mapping
- Material Instances
- Scene Manager
- Gizmo
Material: copper (baseColor: 0.93, 0.62, 0.53 / IOR = 1.21901 / roughness = 0.2 / metallic = 1.0)
Obj: panther (100000 triangles)
Material: brown_glass (baseColor: 1.0 / IOR = 1.45 / roughness = 0.1 / mediumType = ABSORB / mediumColor = 0.905, 0.63, 0.3 / mediumDensity = 1)