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Genesis features summary

bugzmanov edited this page Jan 16, 2013 · 3 revisions
Name Description Status
Workflow Engine orchestrates any interactions with third systems like cloud providers, deployment tools, etc which are declared in DSL as workflows ready
Groovy based DSL template supports workflow declaration ready
External Git template storage Git is supported as template storage ready
External file system template storage file system is supported as template storage ready
Internal template management template management inside system planned
Dynamic system configuration system reconfiguration in run time without reloading ready
Dynamic plug-ins configuration plug-ins reconfiguration in run time without reloading ready
Projects supports isolated projects to work with templates, workflows, environments ready
Internal users/group/roles ready
Integration with LDAP ready
Integration with OpenStack supports VMs provisioning and destroy ready
Integration with Amazon supports VMs provisioning and destroy ready
Integration with GoGrid supports VMs provisioning and destroy ready
Multi-cloud one installation supports several cloud providers ready
Internal credential storage ready
Integration with Chef supports Chef server and Chef solo modes ready
Integration with Jenkins supports Jenkins build invocation ready
Integration with artifact repositories integration with Nexus and Jenkins ready
RESTful API API description ready
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