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Svyatoslav Reyentenko edited this page Jan 21, 2013 · 31 revisions

Links formats

New domain object Link is intoduced. Link must include following attributes:

  • href - Absolute (may be relative to base) uri to resource.
  • methods - array of HTTP verbs to use (only GET is allowed, if omitted)
  • rel - Link relation. May contain values:
    • self - for self-pointing resources
    • collection - to point to collection urls (GET)

Link may include:

  • type - Domain type and media. This is possibly valid only for GET links.


Parts of entities are omitted for the sake of brevity.

  • User starts with a root of application.

GET / (admin privileges)

    {"href" : "/projects", "type": "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Project+json", "rel": "collection"},
    {"href" : "/settings", "type": "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Link+json", "rel": "collection"}

GET / (no admin privileges)

    {"href" : "/projects", "type": "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Project+json", "rel": "collection"}

Setting has a type genesis.Link, because it's anything but links collection.

For non-admin user no /settings url will be present at this stage.


  • User choose to continue with /projects link

GET /projects (admin privilieges)

{    "items" : [
            "name" : "project",
            "id" : "id",
            "links" : [
                {"href" : "/projects/1", "rel" : "self", "type": "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Project+json"}
    "links": [
       {"href":"/projects", "methods": ["get","post"], "rel":"self", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Project+json"} 

GET /projects (no admin privileges)

  "items" : [
            "name" : "project",
            "id" : "id",
            "links" : [
                {"href" : "/projects/1", "rel" : "self", "type": "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Project+json"}

For non-admin user no links array will be present, so user can't create projects.

GET /projects/1 with admin privileges

    "id": "1",
    "name" : "project",
    "links": [
        {"href" : "/ptojects/1/envs", "rel" : "collection", "methods" : ["get","post"], "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Environment+json"},
        {"href": "/project/1/settings", "rel" : "collection", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Link+json"},
        {"href": "/projects/1", "rel" : "self", "methods" : ["get","put","delete"]}

GET /projects/1 without admin privileges (no new environments creation is allowed, too)

"id": "1",
"name" : "project",
"links": [
   {"href" : "/projects/1/envs", "rel" : "collection", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Environment+json"},
   {"href": "/projects/1", "rel" : "self"}

GET /projects/1 without admin privileges (new environments creation is allowed)

"id": "1",
"name" : "project",
"links": [
   {"href" : "/projects/1/envs", "rel" : "collection", "method" : ["get", "post"], "type" : "application/vnd.genesis.griddynamics.Environment+json"},
   {"href": "/projects/1", "rel" : "self"}

Project settings

GET /projects/1/settings

Only admin and read-only admin

   {"href" : "/project/1/configs", "rel" : "collection", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Configuration+json"},
   {"href" : "/project/1/databags", "rel" :"collection", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Databag+json"},

GET /projects/1/databags

As an admin

  "items" : [
      {"id": "1",
       "links": [
          {"href" : "/projects/1/databags/1", "rel":"self", "methods" : ["get","put","delete"], "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Databag+json"}
  "links" : [
     {"href":"//projects/1/databags", "methods": ["get","post"], "rel":"self", "type" : "application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Databag+json"} 

As a read-only admin

  "items" : [
      {"id": "1",
      "links": [
          {"href" : "/projects/1/databags":"1", "rel":"self", "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Databag+json"} 
  "links" : [
     {"href":"//projects/1/databags", "rel":"self", "type" :"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.Databag+json"} 


GET /projects/1/envs/1

User that can only view environment:


      "id" : 1
      "links" : [
          {"href": "/projects/1/envs/1", "rel": "self", "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.EnvironmentDetails+json"}
          {"href": "/projects/1/envs/1/history", "rel":"collection", "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.WorkflowHistory"}

User that can modify environment:


      "id" : 1
      "links" : [
          {"href": "/projects/1/envs/1", "rel": "self", "methods": ["get","put","delete"], "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.EnvironmentDetails+json"}
          {"href": "/projects/1/envs/1/history", "rel":"collection", "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.WorkflowHistory"}
          {"href": "/projects/1/envs/1/actions", "rel":"collection",  "methods" : ["post"]}

Most probably, actions attribute of EnvironmentDetails object should be separated in its own REST resource for better consistency.


Only admin and readonly admin users here

** GET /settings **


    "items" : [
    "links": [
        {"href" : "/settings", "rel":"self", "methods":["get","put","delete"],
        {"href" : "/roles", "rel":"collection", "type" :

Readonly admin:

    "items" : [
    "links": [
        {"href" : "/settings", "rel":"self", "type":"application/vnd.griddynamics.genesis.ConfigProperty+json"},
        {"href" : "/roles", "rel":"collection", "type" :
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