This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Quick summary
This is ROS packages for ROBOCUP SPL.
This repogitory is developing by Masaya Kataoka( - Version 0.01
- Learn Markdown
- Summary of set up
1.install ROS(
2.create catkin_ws catkin_ws
4.git clone
6.roslaunch robocup_launcher nao_navigation.launch
- How to run
export NAO_IP = 192.168..(setting nao robot ip adress) run from bagfiles: roslaunch robocup_launcher play.launch
run whole system on local PC and robot: roslaunch robocup_launcher nao_navigation.launch
run with gazebo simulator and rviz: roslaunch robocup_launcher nao_virtual.launch
run with rviz and moveit(without kinematic simulation): roslaunch robocup_launcher nao_moveit.launch
- Stareo Camera
- Nao(Softbank Robotics) is highly recommended
- Repo owner or admin
Masaya Kataoka(, - Other community or team contact
if you want to turn off ip notification system of nao you should turn off notificationreader by modifying /etc/naoqi/autoload.ini and nao restart