TraitRELAX is an open-source software for the joint analysis of binary traits and coding sequence data that allows testing for association of the trait with changes in selection intensity at the codon level across a phylogeny. TraitRELAX is implemented in the C++ library Bio++ (see also: Bio++ documentation).
Halabi K, Levy Karin E, Guéguen L, and Mayrose I. TraitRELAX - A codon model for associating phenotypic traits with altered selective patterns of sequence evolution. 2020. DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syaa087
The input to TraitRELAX is a single control file, which among others, specifies the location of the following files:
- A phylogentic tree with branch lengths.
- A codon multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of the sequence data of the extant species.
- The character states of the extant species coded as either '0' or '1'.
The TraitRELAX control file specifies parameters as detailed in the bppSuite manual. See the provided TraitRELAX_template.bpp as an example for such control file.
TraitRELAX writes the maximum-likelihood scores for the null and alternative models as well as their inferred model parameters to STDOUT. You can save the results by redirecting STDOUT into a file (see Examples/README.txt). Additionaly it can save results to output files specified in the control file (see the provided TraitRELAX_template.bpp).
Once installed (see next section), the program can be run through the shell:
path/to/TraitRELAX/traitrelax param=<path_to_control_file>
Rather than installing the program from scratch, you can pull a docker image with the pre-compiled program. To do so, first install Docker on your machine and then run on the command line:
docker pull halabikeren/traitrelax:version1.0.1
To run the program, first create on your machine a directory with the input for traitrelax, including the input data and a control file (see the Examples folder for more details). Then, run the following on the command line:
docker run -v <path_to_input_directory>:/traitrelax/exec/ -it traitrelax param=<name_of_control_file>
If you are using HPC, an alternative for docker is singularity. Similar to docker, you can pull a singularity image with the pre-compiled program. To do so, you should have Singularity installed on your cluster and then run on the command line:
singularity pull --name TraitRELAX.sif shub://halabikeren/TraitRELAX
To run the program, first create on your machine a directory with the input for traitrelax, including the input data and a control file (see the Examples folder for more details). Then, run the following on the command line:
singularity run --bind <path_to_input_directory>:/traitrelax/exec/ TraitRELAX.sif <name_of_control_file>
An installation script is available at To install, run on the command line:
sh <path_to_prgram>
Once the installation is complete, the progeam will be available in <path_to_prgram>/TraitRELAX/TraitRELAX/TraitRELAX
The compilation may take a little while (especially that of bpp-phyl
; ~20-30 min using 16-cores) so perhaps make some tea
mkdir -p $bpp_dir/sources/
cd $bpp_dir/sources
git clone
git clone
git clone -b kerenDevel
cd $bpp_dir/sources/bpp-core
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
cd ../../bpp-seq
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
cd ../../bpp-phyl
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
traitrelax_dir=TRAITRELAX_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY # the directory to which you clone TraitRELAX
mkdir -p $traitrelax_dir
cd $traitrelax_dir/
git clone
and compile
cd $traitrelax_dir/TraitRELAX/
make -j
make install
To run TraitRELAX with multiple threads, you should state the number of required cores in the cmake command of the complication of the Bio++ bpp-phyl library:
TraitRELAX varies from The RELAX basic method in several aspects:
- TraitRELAX does not require a prior partition of the branches into two categories.
- TraitRELAX uses a fixed effect likelihood approach for the selective categories, and as such constrains the selective category of each site to remain consistent across branches. That being said, the selection value of a site can change upon relaxation or intensification based on the inferred evolutionary history of the examined trait.
- TraitRELAX uses a different optimization approach that limits the search space of the selection intenisty parameter to (0,10] in aim of avoiding extreme estimates.
Due to these differences, estimation of the parameters shared between the two methods may be inconsistent with one another.