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2014 08 03 haproxy 1.5 changes

hilbix edited this page Sep 3, 2014 · 1 revision

haproxy 1.5 is out

(but I did not realize until today) so here are some changes to this repository:

Following branches are now deprecated

I probably will re-decide in 2015 or 2016 what will happen to them.

  • branch "master", for compatibility, will continue to track haproxy 1.4 for a while.
  • branch "dev-ancestor", for compatibility, will continue to stay around as is until I decide what happens to "master"

New branches

  • branch "haproxy15" tracks haproxy 1.5
  • branch "haproxy14" tracks haproxy 1.4 (replaces "master")
  • branch "haproxy13" tracks haproxy 1.3 (as of writing this, it still is maintained)
  • branch "base15" is the merge base between dev and haproxy 1.5
  • branch "base14" is the merge base between dev and haproxy 1.4 (replaces "dev-ancestor")
  • branch "base13" is the merge base between dev and haproxy 1.3
  • branch "stable" now always tracks the most recent stable haproxy. This is automatic and fast-forward as long as it stays on the same stable version. But it is non-fast-forward in case I (manually) set it to the next released version (like jumping from 1.4 to 1.5). Use this if you want to compare to the latest stable version (as far as I am aware of it).

No change, as it is good as it is

  • branch "dev" tracks the haproxy current development.