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Bills Orders System OOP Design

Dr. M H B Ariyaratne edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 1 revision


This section outlines the Object-Oriented Design for the Bills/Orders system component of CareCode Health Management Information System (HMIS). The design focuses on encapsulating entities like bills, items, fees, and services into a structured and modular format, enabling efficient management and scalability.

Entities and Their Relationships

  1. Bill Attributes: billID, billDate, totalAmount, status, patient, etc. Methods: calculateTotal(), etc.

  2. BillItem Attributes: item, quantity, price, etc. Relationships: Linked to Item (Investigation/Service). Methods: calculateItemTotal(), etc.

  3. BillFees Attributes: fee, type (e.g., institution, facility use), amount, etc. Methods: getFeeDetails(), etc.

  4. BillComponents This is a composite entity encapsulating different aspects of a bill.

  5. BillPayments paymentID, amount, paymentMethod, date, etc.

  6. BillSessions: sessionID, sessionType, duration,

  7. BillExpenses: expenseID, description, amount, etc.

  8. Item Attributes: itemID, name, code, category (Investigation/Service), etc.

Subclasses: Investigation: specificAttributes (e.g., labTestType) Services: specificAttributes (e.g., serviceType) InpatientService: additionalAttributes (e.g., roomType) TheatreService: additionalAttributes (e.g., equipmentUsed) PharmaceuticalItem: additionalAttributes (e.g., dosageForm)


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