OpenRocket simulations version control
All ork files must be unzipped to merge if using OpenRocket
Make sure that the pre-commit hook found in hooks/ is in .git/hooks, otherwise your .ork files will be weird
ART's family of testbed rockets, used to demonstrate systems used on record attempts.
ART's first rocket flight! G-Class motor, testing LENNY and APEX Components. Flight on Sunday 11th April 2021 at MRC; 546m apogee. RUD upon landing.
ART's second flight, demonstrating APEX Recovery systems G-Class motor Flight on Sunday 13th June 2021 at MRC; 523m apogee. Mostly successful.
ART's first record attempt
I-class motor; apogee ~2850m (record: 2804m)
- Sunday 29th August 2021; Scrubbed. Avionics failure
- Rescheduling soon...
Motor selected for use: APEX | Cesaroni I216-CL(I)-14
Apogee: 2864.2 m
Max speed: 366.07 m/s
Max acceleration: 213.15 m/s^2
Flight duration: 20.42 s
Ground hit velocity: Error parsing simulation data m/s
Dry mass: 0.984 kg
ART's even higher record attempt
K-class motor, apogee ~ 6000m (record: 5932m)
Motor selected for use: No motor found
Apogee: 5747.8 m
Max speed: 612.43 m/s
Max acceleration: 239.58 m/s^2
Flight duration: 28.49 s
Ground hit velocity: Error parsing simulation data m/s
Dry mass: 0.2 kg
Unchanged OpenRocket files of rockets that have flown.
- ASTRA 11.04.2021 (RUD upon landing)
- ASTRA 13.06.2021 (File may be inaccurate)
- APEX 29.08.2021 (Scrubbed)
Selection of APEX .ork files, used when optimising fin planform
Old, disorganised .ork files