This repository contains code to reproduce figures from the IBL reproducible ephys paper
Install Anaconda and git, and follow their installer instructions to add each to the system path
Create new python environment
conda create --name ibl_repro_ephys python=3.9
Activate environment
conda activate ibl_repro_ephys
Clone the repo
git clone
Navigate to repo
cd paper-reproducible-ephys
Install requirements and repo
pip install -e .
Open an ipython terminal
from one.api import ONE
pw = 'international'
one = ONE(silent=True, password=pw)
By default data and figures will be saved into a folder with the figure name e.g fig_hist. To find this location on you computer (for example for figure 1) you can type the
from reproducible_ephys_functions import save_data_path, save_figure_path
If you want to override the location where the data and figures are saved you can create a script in the repo directory, that is called and add the following:
FIG_PATH = '/path/where/to/save/your/figures/'
DATA_PATH = '/path/where/to/save/your/data/
In each figure subfolder there is a README that contains instructions for how to replicate the analysis and generate the figures in the paper.
The subfolders correspond to the following figures
- Figure 1 - fig_intro, fig_data_quality
- Figure 2 - fig_hist
- Figure 3 - fig_ephysfeatures
- Figure 4 - fig_taskmodulation
- Figure 5 - fig_PCA
- Figure 6 - fig_spatial
- Figure 7 - fig_encodingRRR
- Figure 8 - fig_mtnn
- Figure 9 - fig_decoding
The list of insertions probe insertions considered for analysis in this version of the paper can be found in the following way
from one.api import ONE
from reproducible_ephys_functions import get_insertions
one = ONE()
insertions = get_insertions(level=0, one=one, freeze='freeze_2024_03')
A detailed overview of the criteria and insertions that have been used for each figure can be found in this spreadsheet
To run the RIGOR metrics on your own data please refer to this notebook