released this
24 Sep 05:41
New Spells
Added Earthquake Spell
Added Ray of Frost Spell
Added Summon Ender Chest Spell
Added Firefly Spell
Added Oakskin Spell
Added Elixirs
Added Oakskin Elixir
Added Invisibility Elixir
Added Evasion Elixir
Added Greater Potion of Healing
Added Firefly Jar block
Added the Druidic Tome, an epic Nature spell book
Added spell targeting success notification
Added school based resistance attributes
While these are not used in the game yet, they can be used by modpacks or addons
Poison School has been replaced by the Nature School
Void school has been temporarily removed while it is being reworked
Black Hole is now an Ender spell
Void Tentacles is now an Ender spell
Abyssal shroud is now disabled by default (configurable)
Devour spell no longer pulls enemies in, and has had its range extended
Long casts can no longer be held to cast
Long casts must be clicked again to cancel mid-cast
Cryomancer, Pyromancer, and Archevoker max health increased by 10
Cryomancer, Pyromancer, Archevoker, and Necromancer will now attempt to flee from melee combat
Archevoker will now use the Gust spell
Increased Arcane Essence drop quantity from the Necromancer
Updated Anicent Codex, Enchanted Spell Book, and Grimoire of Evokation textures
Updated Inscription Table's Lore Page texture
Update Amulet of Concentration's texture
Updated Wandering Magician, Priest, and Electromancer Chestplate icons to better match their armor model
Potions can now be put into the Alchemist Cauldron
Ink can now be put into the Alchemist Cauldron
Ink can now be upgraded in the Alchemist Cauldron
The visuals of the Target Area Outline (used in spells like Healing Circle) have been improved
Fixed an issue causing casting mobs to have a difficult time teleporting around non-flat terrain
Fixed input issues caused by hybrid long casting inputs
Fixed Cyromancer's armor attribute not reflecting his worn armor
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