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Add a script to perform within-site age and sex comparison (#90)
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* Add a script to perform within-site age and sex comparison between test and train subjects.
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valosekj authored Jul 16, 2024
1 parent 6f242e2 commit 91ea548
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Perform within-site age and sex comparison between test and train subjects.
Relevant for Table 1 from
The test/train subjects are listed in `dataset-conversion/dataset_split_seed710.yaml` file.
Note that we need to use the SCIsegV1 version of the dataset:
Thus, I downloaded the file and passed the path to the script as an argument ('-yml-file').
Example usage:
python -yml-file ~/Downloads/dataset_split_seed710.yaml
Author: Jan Valosek

import os
import argparse

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml # pip install pyyaml

from scipy.stats import normaltest, mannwhitneyu, chi2_contingency

def get_parser():
parser function

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Perform within-site age and sex comparison between test and train subjects.',
help='Path to the YML file listing train and test subjects. '
'Example: dataset_split_seed710.yaml'

return parser

def read_yaml_file(file_path, key):
Read YAML file
file_path: Path to the YAML file
key: Key to fetch from the JSON file, e.g., train, test
list of subjects with surgery
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)

# Check if the key exists in the YAML file
if key not in data:
raise ValueError(f'ERROR: {key} does not exist in {file_path}')

subject_list = data[key]

# Keep only participant_id (e.g., sub-6577), i.e., remove everything after the first underscore
subject_list = [subject.split('_')[0] for subject in subject_list]

return subject_list

def read_participants_tsv(dataset_name):
Read participant's age from participants.tsv files for sci-zurich and sci-colorado
:param dataset_name: Name of the dataset (e.g., sci-zurich, sci-colorado)
:return: DataFrame with participant's age and sex
datasets_path = '~/data/'
participants_tsv = pd.read_csv(f'{datasets_path}/{dataset_name}/participants.tsv',
usecols=['participant_id', 'age', 'sex'],

# Add a new column 'site' with the dataset name
participants_tsv['site'] = dataset_name

return participants_tsv

def compare_age(df):
For each site, perform within-site age comparison between test and train subjects
First, we test data normality using D’Agostino and Pearson’s normality test
If the data is NOT normally distributed, we use the Mann-Whitney U test (non-parametric test, independent samples)
:param df:
alpha = 0.05
for site in ['sci-zurich', 'sci-colorado', 'both']:

# if site is 'both', we combine subjects from both sites
if site == 'both':
site_df = df
site_df = df[df['site'] == site]

train_age = site_df[site_df['train_test'] == 'train']['age']
test_age = site_df[site_df['train_test'] == 'test']['age']

print(f"{site}, train subjects: {train_age.mean():.2f} +- {train_age.std():.2f} years")
print(f"{site}, test subjects: {test_age.mean():.2f} +- {test_age.std():.2f} years")

# Test data normality
stat, p_value = normaltest(train_age)
print(f"{site}, train data: normality test p-value: {p_value:.4f}")
if p_value > alpha:
print(f'{site}, train data is normally distributed')
print(f'{site}, train data is NOT normally distributed')

stat, p_value = normaltest(test_age)
print(f"{site}, test data: normality test p-value: {p_value:.4f}")
if p_value > alpha:
print(f'{site}, test data is normally distributed')
print(f'{site}, test data is NOT normally distributed')

# Perform Mann-Whitney U test
# H0: the distribution underlying sample x is the same as the distribution underlying sample y
stat, p_value = mannwhitneyu(train_age, test_age)
print(f"{site}: Mann-Whitney U test p-value: {p_value:.4f}")
if p_value > alpha:
print(f'{site}: NO significant difference (same distribution) --> fail to reject H0.')
print(f'{site}: A significant difference (different distribution) --> reject H0.')

def compare_sex_ratios(df):
For each site, compare the sex ratios between test and train subjects using the chi-squared test for independence.
alpha = 0.05
for site in ['sci-zurich', 'sci-colorado', 'both']:

# if site is 'both', we combine subjects from both sites
if site == 'both':
site_df = df
site_df = df[df['site'] == site]

# Get a tuple containing the counts of females and males
train_counts = (len(site_df[(site_df['train_test'] == 'train') & (site_df['sex'] == 'F')]),
len(site_df[(site_df['train_test'] == 'train') & (site_df['sex'] == 'M')]))
test_counts = (len(site_df[(site_df['train_test'] == 'test') & (site_df['sex'] == 'F')]),
len(site_df[(site_df['train_test'] == 'test') & (site_df['sex'] == 'M')]))

print(f'{site}, train counts (F/M): {train_counts}')
print(f'{site}, test counts (F/M): {test_counts}')

# Create a contingency table
contingency_table = np.array([train_counts, test_counts])

# Perform the chi-squared test
chi2, p_value, _, _ = chi2_contingency(contingency_table)
print(f"{site}: chi-squared test p-value: {p_value:.4f}")
if p_value > alpha:
print(f'{site}: NO significant difference in sex ratios between the two groups --> fail to reject H0.')
print(f'{site}: A significant difference in sex ratios between the two groups --> reject H0.')

def main():
# Parse the command line arguments
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()

yml_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.yml_file))

if not os.path.isfile(yml_file):
print(f'ERROR: {yml_file} does not exist.')

# Get the list of test and train subjects
test_subjects = read_yaml_file(yml_file, key='test')
train_subjects = read_yaml_file(yml_file, key='train')

# Get participant's age and sex from participants.tsv files for sci-zurich and sci-colorado
# The participants.tsv files are located in the BIDS dataset folder
# Read 'participant_id', 'age', and 'sex columns
zurich_df = read_participants_tsv('sci-zurich')
colorado_df = read_participants_tsv('sci-colorado')

# Keep only subjects from the test and train lists
zurich_df = zurich_df[zurich_df['participant_id'].isin(test_subjects + train_subjects)]
colorado_df = colorado_df[colorado_df['participant_id'].isin(test_subjects + train_subjects)]

# Merge all dataframes into one, adding a column with train/test label
df = pd.concat([zurich_df, colorado_df])
df['train_test'] = 'train'
df.loc[df['participant_id'].isin(test_subjects), 'train_test'] = 'test'

# Some subjects have nan age, drop them
df.dropna(subset=['age'], inplace=True)

# For each site, perform within-site age comparison between test and train subjects
# For each site, compare the sex ratios between test and train subjects

if __name__ == '__main__':

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