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fr:Documentation Windows Foldersettings

Jens Maus edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Réglages du dossier

En dehors des dossiers standarts 'Reçus', 'Drafts', 'En attente', 'Envoyés', 'Corbeille' et 'Courriel Indésirable', vous pouvez créer n'importe quel nombre de dossiers supplémentaires. Ces dossiers sont utiles par exemple pour archiver les courriels reçus et/ou envoyés, ou pour administrer des listes de discussions.


Chaque fois que vous créez un nouveau dossier ou que vous éditez un dossier existant, une fenêtre de réglages s'ouvrira avec les options suivantes:

Nom affiché The name of the folder will appear in the folder listing in the main window.

 Example:  YAM mailing list

Nom de répertoire This is the path in which the messages, the .fconfig file and the .index file of the actual folder will be saved. Usually this is a subdirectory of the actual basic folder directory, but you can specify any other place, like another hard disk partition for example.

 Example:  YAM_ml

Age max. If you like, you can make YAM delete messages exceeding a certain age automatically. To do so, just drag the slider to select a value different from zero (which stands for the maximum age of the mail, in days). Then switch to the 'Start/Quit' configuration sheet and activate the option 'Delete old mail'.

 *NOTE:* Messages with the status 'new' or 'unread' will not be
 deleted automatically.

Type Here you choose if the folder is for incoming and/or sent mail. This influences the column titles and whose address is displayed in the message list.

Mode Folders can be protected with a password and/or be compressed if necessary. There are the following modes available:

     normal                    no password protection, no compression
                               + fast
                               - no protection of your e-mail from third persons
                                 with access to your computer

     protéger         simple password protection, no compression
                               + fast
                               - your e-mails are protected within YAM only

     compresser                XPK compression without password protection
                               + saves hard disk space
                               - slow, no protection for your e-mail

     compresser et protéger  XPK compression with password protection
                               + saves hard disk space, good protection
                               - slow
 The XPK software package is needed for compressing.  It is not
 contained in the YAM archive, but can be downloaded e.g. from
 Aminet for free.  The settings for the compression library can be
 found at [[Configuration#FixMisc| Miscellaneous ]].

Trier par Here the primary order of the messages in the chosen folder is specified. You can have the mail sorted by message date, date sent/received, sender, recipient, subject, size or status. Concerning the message status, the messages will be sorted in the following orders:

   new > unread > read > replied > forwarded (for incoming mail)\\
   error sending > hold > in queue > sent (for outgoing mail)\\

 Additionally, several flags are also taken into account:

   1 important\\
   2 marked\\
   3 PGP encrypted\\
   4 PGP signed\\
   5 status report\\
   6 contains attachments\\

 With the option 'Rev', the order will be reversed (e.g. Z-A
 instead of A-Z).

Puis Here the secondary order of the messages in the chosen folder is specified. If for example mails are sorted by subject on a first instance, messages with the same subject can be sorted by date or author using this second key.

Message de bienvenue

Message de fin

Statistiques dans l'icône Enable this if you want this folder's statistics to be added to those shown in the application icon that YAM usually puts on the Workbench screen. By default, only the stats for the 'Incoming' folder are noted there.

 Exactly what data appears under the appicon depends on the label
 set in the [[Configuration#FixMisc| Miscellaneous settings ]].

Sauter au premier message non lu

Sauter au message le plus récent

Liste de discussions

Gestion des listes

 Since not all mailing list servers set the "Reply-To:" field to the
 correct address (which would be the mailing list address), YAM can
 help you to work around this problem, offering also some other
 nice tricks for a good measure.


 The *Autodetect* button will try to guess what *To: pattern* and
 *To: address* data should be used by scanning the first 5 messages
 in the folder using the Smith&Waterman algorithm to search for
 similarities between strings.  This should make it easier to find
 the correct mailing list pattern.

Motif (A:/Cc!:)

Adresse du destinataire (To!:)

 When you reply to a mail contained in this folder, YAM checks if
 the data in the "To:" field of the original message is matched by
 the contents of the *To: pattern* field -- if they do, the address
 entered in the *To: address* field will be inserted as the recipient
 instead of the recipient's address contained in the original

Adresse de l'émetteur (From!:)

 Additionally, if you have entered a *From: address*, this will
 replace your e-mail address when posting to the mailing list.
 This is useful if you use different e-mail addresses for different
 mailing lists, or just want to avoid SPAM.

Adresse de réponse (Reply-To!:)

 You can also enter a *Reply-To: address* in case the mailing list
 software doesn't set this.


 Lastly, you can select the signature that will be used by default
 when replying or posting new messages to this mailing list.

Examples on how to use the mailing list support settings are given in the Tips & tricks chapter.


Getting Started


Advanced use of YAM



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