The API of the official website provides access only to the current, past, and next days actual schedule (at least in open access), as well as information about the seasonal schedule (not yet implemented in the current API)
This wrapper, implemented using FastAPI, allows to save the history of changes and provides endpoints to access schedule entities with additional filtering parameters
For example, to get a list of airports with flights operated by Aeroflot (SU) to the Asian region between May 5, 2024, and May 7, 2024, inclusive:
curl '®ion=europe&date_start=2024-05-05%2000%3A00%3A00z&date_end=2024-05-08%2000%3A00%3A00z&company=SU&direction=departure'
To select flights to the obtained destinations:
curl ''
To get data on a specific flight with a history of changes:
curl ''
For more details, see the OpenAPI and Redoc specifications
This API is used by the Telegram bot @svologbot GitHub
- Python3.11+
- FastAPI
- SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL (psycopg3)
- Alembic
- Uvicorn / Gunicorn
- Replace the
values in the./.env
file - Start the stack with Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
The default docker-compose.override.yml
configured for local development to run a restartable Uvicorn server when local files are changed
To add flight data, a user with access rights to PUT methods will be created during startup
By default, access to the OpenAPI specification is available at and Redoc specification is available at
To run on the Gunicorn WSGI server without restarting on local file changes, exclude the configuration in docker-compose.override.yml
docker compose --file docker-compose.yml up -d
To run tests in a container, use the script:
./scripts/ --cov=app/
Tests will be run using Pytest with the provided parameters passed through
To modify and add tests, use the ./tests directory
To run tests on the running stack, use the script:
docker exec svolog-api ./scripts/ --cov=app/
Provided parameters will be passed to Pytest as well