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Community symbols change procedure

Maria Kozinska edited this page May 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

Community symbols, like name and logo, domain name or colors, are parts of the identity of the community and how people identify the community. They have a representational function. Changing them affects individual community members, the community as a whole and others outside of the community.

How the process is initiated?

Everyone can make a proposal. People from the community and from outside of it. To make a proposal: open a GH issue with a new textual or graphic proposition.

How the decision is being made?

After a proposal is made and accepted by one of the community gardeners (meets formal criteria), there is a deadline for vote specified, which should be within 2-4 weeks from the proposal being accepted. Everyone in the community(*) can vote. The vote is with up-thumbs or down-thumbs emoji. To accept a change, 2/3 of the votes needs to be in favor of the change.

(*) who is the community? we believe the community has no boundaries and everyone who identifies as part of the community is a member of the community. Community members can have different roles though, and if community gardeners suspect some malicious abuses of the voting system, the vote may repeated restricted to long-term members only / earlier-contributors only.


Who and when makes the change?

The change should happen as soon as possible, within the capacity of the team. Contributions are welcome! If a new proposal is accepted before the change is made, the first one can be skipped.

What the change would involve?

Depending on what is going to be changed, the change involves:

  • name
    • TBD
  • domain name
    • TBD
  • logo
    • TBD
  • colors
    • TBD