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kenjiuno edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

Here are some tips if you want to build Npgsql yourself.

Version Branch Development status Build system supported
3.1 develop In progress, accepts new features/bugfixes Visual Studio 2015-, DNX
3.0 hotfix/3.0.6 Stable, accepts bugfixes Visual Studio 2013-
2.2 support/2.x Stable and legacy Visual Studio 2010-

Note: Npgsql loosely follows semver.

With the develop branch everything uses the new DNX/project.json system. Some things to make sure:

  • Use dnvm to make sure you're running on 1.0.0-rc1-update1, runtime clr.
  • Go into src/Npgsql and do dnu restore, then dnx rewrite-async.
  • Open Npgsql-dnx.sln with VS2015 and everything should work

Note: Using build.cmd needs PowerShell 3.0 or later. PowerShell version can be checked with Get-Host | Select-Object Version

Note: Building Windows XP application still requires Npgsql 2.2 because the latest supported .NET Framework is 4.0