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Examples from Script Machine

JamesC edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

All examples from the script machine documentation chapter are shown here in full. The specific examples referenced in the subsections are wrapped in the functions listed below.

Example Script Debugger

  • debug_program();

Example Simple Script Evaluation

  • run_custom_script();

Example P2SH(P2WPKH) Evaluation

  • run_p2sh_p2wpkh();

Libbitcoin API: Libbitcoin version 3. The code in this example accesses the output_point validation struct. This struct will be moved to metadata beginning with Libbitcoin version 4 (current master branch).

Compile with: g++ -std=c++11 -o script_machine script_machine_examples.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags libbitcoin --libs libbitcoin)

#include <bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace bc;
using namespace wallet;
using namespace chain;
using namespace machine;

// Testnet wallets.
auto my_secret0 = base16_literal(
ec_private my_private0(my_secret0, ec_private::testnet, true);
auto pubkey0 = my_private0.to_public().point();
auto my_address0 = my_private0.to_payment_address();

auto my_secret1 = base16_literal(
ec_private my_private1(my_secret1, ec_private::testnet, true);
auto pubkey1 = my_private1.to_public().point();

// Witness aware testnet wallets.
// ("Witness aware" is an arbitrary assignment for illustration purposes)
auto my_secret_witness_aware = base16_literal(
ec_private my_private_witness_aware(my_secret_witness_aware,
    ec_private::testnet, true);
auto pubkey_witness_aware = my_private_witness_aware

transaction create_transaction_template() {

  // Function creates tx object as a tx template for all subsequent examples.

  // Destination output, a p2pkh script for example.
  std::string btc_amount = "0.998";
  uint64_t output_amount;
  decode_base10(output_amount, btc_amount, btc_decimal_places);
  auto p2pkh_script = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(
  output p2pkh_output(output_amount, p2pkh_script);

  // Build example input.
  input example_input;
  std::string prev_tx =
  hash_digest prev_tx_hash;
  uint32_t index = 0;
  output_point uxto_to_spend(prev_tx_hash, index);

  // Build Transaction
  transaction tx;

  return tx;


transaction create_p2sh_p2wpkh(transaction& transaction_template) {

    auto p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction = transaction_template;

    // Previous output script / Previous output amount.

    // P2SH(P2WPKH) output.

    //   P2WPKH(public key hash)
    //   0 [20-byte public key hash]
    short_hash keyhash_dest = bitcoin_short_hash(pubkey_witness_aware);
    operation::list p2wpkh_operations = {
    script p2wpkh_script(p2wpkh_operations);

    //  P2SH(P2WPKH(public key hash))
    //  hash160 [20-byte hash160(redeem script)] equal
    short_hash embedded_script_hash = bitcoin_short_hash(
    script p2sh_p2wpkh_output_script = script::to_pay_script_hash_pattern(

    // Set prevout in transaction
    output_point outpoint;

    // Set prevout amount in transaction.
    uint8_t input_index(0u);
    std::string btc_amount_in = "1.298";
    uint64_t input_amount;
    decode_base10(input_amount, btc_amount_in, btc_decimal_places);


    // Create input script.

    // Wrap (P2SH) redeem script in single single data push.
    data_chunk p2sh_embedded_script_chunk =
    script p2sh_p2wpkh_input_script(p2sh_embedded_script_chunk, false);

    // Create Witness.

    // Create signature for witness.
    // Script code.
    script script_code = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(
    // Pass script_version::zero & prev input amount.
    endorsement sig;
    script::create_endorsement(sig, my_secret_witness_aware, script_code,
        p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction, input_index, sighash_algorithm::all,
        script_version::zero, input_amount);

    // 02 [signature] [public key]
    data_stack witness_stack = {
    witness p2wpkh_witness(witness_stack);

    return p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction;

code debug_program(program& current_program, const script& current_script) {

    code ec;

    //Check if script is valid.
    //    Trailing invalid op due to push op size mismatch
    //    Script is unspendable (op_return / > max_script_size of 10kbytes)
    if (!current_program.is_valid()) {
        ec = error::invalid_script;
        return ec;

    // Script is valid:
    else {

        // Run individual operations of script.
        int script_index(0);

        // Loop through all script operations.
        for (const auto& op: current_program) {

            // Max script element size (520 bytes)
            if (op.is_oversized()) {
                return error::invalid_push_data_size;

            // Disallowed operations which can cause script vulnerabilities.
            if (op.is_disabled()) {
                return error::op_disabled;

            // Increment operation count for (op >= op_97),
            //    Maximimum count of 201 permitted.
            if (!current_program.increment_operation_count(op)) {
                return error::invalid_operation_count;

            // If operation is unconditional, conditional state must be positive
            //    for subsequent operation.
            if (current_program.if_(op))
                // Check that stack < 1000 elements (overflow).
                if (!current_program.is_stack_overflow())
                    // Execute operation. Changes state of stack.
                    if ((ec = current_program.evaluate(op))) // if error
                        return ec;

                    // Print out operator that has been executed.
                    std::cout << std::endl;
                    std::cout << std::string(script_index + 1, '>')
                              << " Operation: " << script_index << std::endl;
                    std::cout << op.to_string(rule_fork::all_rules) << std::endl;
                    std::cout << std::endl;

                    // Print stack state after execution of operation.
                    program program_copy(current_script, current_program);
                    std::cout << std::string(script_index + 1, '>')
                              << " Stack after operation: "
                              << script_index << std::endl;
                    while (!program_copy.empty())
                        std::cout << "[" << encode_base16(program_copy.pop())
                                  << "]" << std::endl;

                    // Increment script_index.
                    script_index += 1;

    // Checks for no outstanding flow control operations.
    // e.g. missing ENDIF
    current_program.closed() ?
        ec = error::success : ec = error::invalid_stack_scope;

    return ec;


code run_simple_script(const transaction& transaction, uint32_t input_index,
    uint32_t forks) {

    data_chunk my_data(32);
    auto my_hash = sha256_hash_chunk(my_data);

    operation::list my_operations = {
    script my_script(my_operations);

    program my_program(my_script, transaction, input_index, forks);
    std::cout << "============= My script evaluation ============"
        << std::endl;
    code ec;
    if ((ec = debug_program(my_program, my_script)))
        return ec;
    return error::success;


code run_p2sh_p2wpkh(const transaction& transaction, uint32_t input_index,
    uint32_t forks) {

    // Assumes witness and previous output point set in transaction.
    auto p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction = transaction;
    auto input_script = p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction.inputs()[input_index].script();
    auto witness = p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction.inputs()[input_index].witness();
    auto prevout_script = p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction.inputs()[input_index]
    auto input_amount = p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction.inputs()[input_index]

    code ec;

    // 1) Evaluate input script.

    program input_program(input_script, p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction,
        input_index, forks);
    std::cout << "=========== Input script evaluation ==========="
              << std::endl;
    if ((ec = debug_program(input_program, input_script)))
        return ec;

    // 2) Evaluate output script.

    program output_program(prevout_script, input_program);
    std::cout << "\n"
              << "=========== Output script evaluation =========="
              << std::endl;
    if ((ec = debug_program(output_program, prevout_script)))
        return ec;

    // 3) Evaluate stack after input/output run.

    if (!output_program.stack_result(false))
        return error::stack_false;

    // 4) Check for p2w pattern.

    bool witnessed(false);

    if ((forks & rule_fork::bip141_rule) == rule_fork::bip141_rule)
        if ((witnessed = script::is_witness_program_pattern(
            //Omitted: Evaluate witness program

    // 5) Detect P2SH pattern in output script (BIP16)

    if (!((forks & rule_fork::bip16_rule) == rule_fork::bip16_rule))
        return error::success;

    if (prevout_script.output_pattern() == script_pattern::pay_script_hash)

        std::cout << "\n"
                  << "----------- P2SH pattern detected -------------"
                  << std::endl;

        // Valid embedded script push in input script.
        if (!script::is_relaxed_push(input_script.operations()))
            return error::invalid_script_embed;

        // Extract embedded script at the top of the stack.
        script embedded_script(input_program.pop(), false);
        program embedded_program(embedded_script, std::move(input_program), true);

        std::cout << "\n"
                  << "======= P2SH Embedded script evaluation ======="
                  << std::endl;

        if ((ec = debug_program(embedded_program, embedded_script)))
            return ec;

        if (!embedded_program.stack_result(false))
            return error::stack_false;

        // 6) Detect witness program pattern in P2SH embedded script (bip141)

        if (!((forks & rule_fork::bip141_rule) == rule_fork::bip141_rule))
            return error::success;

        if ((witnessed = script::is_witness_program_pattern(

            std::cout << "\n"
                      << "---------- Witness program detected -----------"
                      << std::endl;

            // 7) Extract and run extracted witness program script.

            // The input script must be a push of the embedded_script (bip141).
            if (input_script.size() != 1)
                return error::dirty_witness;

            const auto version = embedded_script.version();

            // Detect version 0 of witness program.
            if (version == script_version::zero)
                script script;
                data_stack stack;

                if (!witness.extract_embedded_script(
                    script, stack, embedded_script))//
                    return error::invalid_witness;

                    << "\n"
                    << "============== Witness evaluation ============="
                    << std::endl;

                program witness(script, p2sh_p2wpkh_transaction, input_index,
                    forks, std::move(stack), input_amount,

                ec = debug_program(witness, script);

                if (!witness.stack_result(false))
                    return error::stack_false;
    } // End p2sh run.

    // Witness must be empty
    if (!witnessed && !witness.empty())
        return error::unexpected_witness;

    return error::success;

int main() {

  auto template_transaction = create_transaction_template();

  code ec = run_simple_script(template_transaction, 0 , rule_fork::all_rules);
  std::cout << "\n"
            << "-------- My script evaluation complete --------"
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << ec.message() << "\n" << std::endl;

  auto p2sh_p2wphk_transaction = create_p2sh_p2wpkh(template_transaction);
  ec = run_p2sh_p2wpkh(p2sh_p2wphk_transaction, 0, rule_fork::all_rules);
  std::cout << "\n"
            << "--------- Script evaluation complete ----------"
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << ec.message() << "\n" << std::endl;

  return 0;


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