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Purify AppState #273

merged 10 commits into from
Feb 27, 2024
72 changes: 23 additions & 49 deletions app/src/main/scala/AppState.scala
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@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package lila.fishnet

import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.effect.IO
import java.time.Instant
import lila.fishnet.Work.Move
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger

type AppState = Map[WorkId, Work.Move]

enum GetWorkResult:
case NotFound
case Found(move: Work.Move)
case AcquiredByOther(move: Work.Move)

object AppState:
val empty: AppState = Map.empty
extension (state: AppState)
Expand All @@ -19,56 +22,27 @@ object AppState:
state.updated(, move) -> move.toRequestWithId.some
.getOrElse(state -> none)

def clearIfFull(maxSize: Int)(using Logger[IO]): (AppState, IO[Unit]) =
if state.size >= maxSize then
Map.empty -> Logger[IO].warn(s"MoveDB collection is full! maxSize=${maxSize}. Dropping all now!")
else state -> IO.unit

def addWork(move: Move, maxSize: Int)(using Logger[IO]): (AppState, IO[Unit]) =
val (newState, effect) = state.clearIfFull(maxSize)
newState + ( -> move) -> effect
def isFull(maxSize: Int): Boolean =
state.sizeIs >= maxSize

def applyMove(monitor: Monitor, client: LilaClient)(workId: WorkId, apikey: ClientKey, move: BestMove)(
using Logger[IO]
): (AppState, IO[Unit]) =
state.get(workId) match
case None =>
state -> monitor.notFound(workId, apikey)
case Some(work) if work.isAcquiredBy(apikey) =>
move.uci match
case Some(uci) =>
state - -> (monitor.success(work) >> client.send(
case _ =>
val (newState, failedMove) = state.updateOrGiveUp(work.invalid)
newState -> (Logger[IO].warn(s"Give up move: $failedMove") >>
monitor.failure(work, apikey, new Exception("Missing move")))
case Some(move) =>
state -> monitor.notAcquired(move, apikey)
def addWork(move: Move): AppState =
state + ( -> move)

def clean(monitor: Monitor)(since: Instant)(using Logger[IO]): (AppState, IO[Unit]) =
val timedOut: List[Work.Move] = state.values.filter(_.acquiredBefore(since)).toList
val logIfTimedOut =
if timedOut.nonEmpty then
Logger[IO].debug(s"cleaning ${timedOut.size} of ${state.size} moves") >>
timedOut.traverse_(m => Logger[IO].info(s"Timeout move: $m"))
else IO.unit
val (newState, gavedUpMoves) = timedOut.foldLeft[(AppState, List[Work.Move])](state -> Nil): (x, m) =>
val (newState, move) = x._1.updateOrGiveUp(m.timeout)
(newState, move.fold(x._2)(_ :: x._2))
newState -> logIfTimedOut
*> gavedUpMoves.traverse_(m => Logger[IO].warn(s"Give up move: $m"))
*> monitor.updateSize(newState)
def acquiredBefore(since: Instant): List[Work.Move] =

def earliestNonAcquiredMove: Option[Work.Move] =

def updateOrGiveUp(move: Work.Move): (AppState, Option[Work.Move]) =
val newState = state -
if move.isOutOfTries then (newState, move.some)
else (newState + ( -> move), none)
def getWork(workId: WorkId, key: ClientKey): GetWorkResult =
state.get(workId) match
case None => GetWorkResult.NotFound
case Some(move) if move.isAcquiredBy(key) => GetWorkResult.Found(move)
case Some(move) => GetWorkResult.AcquiredByOther(move)

def updateOrGiveUp(candidates: List[Work.Move]): (AppState, List[Work.Move]) =
candidates.foldLeft[(AppState, List[Work.Move])](state -> Nil) { case ((state, xs), m) =>
m.clearAssignedKey match
case None => (state -, m :: xs)
case Some(move) => (state.updated(, move), xs)
55 changes: 50 additions & 5 deletions app/src/main/scala/Executor.scala
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ trait Executor:
def move(workId: WorkId, fishnetKey: ClientKey, move: BestMove): IO[Unit]
// add work to queue
def add(work: Lila.Request): IO[Unit]
// clean up all works that are acquired before the given time
def clean(before: Instant): IO[Unit]

object Executor:
Expand All @@ -28,23 +29,67 @@ object Executor:

def instance(client: LilaClient, monitor: Monitor, config: ExecutorConfig)(using Logger[IO]): IO[Executor] =
.of[IO, AppState](Map.empty)
.of[IO, AppState](AppState.empty)
.map: ref =>
new Executor:

def add(work: Request): IO[Unit] =
fromRequest(work).flatMap: move =>
ref.flatModify(_.addWork(move, config.maxSize))
ref.flatModify: state =>
val (newState, effect) =
if state.isFull(config.maxSize) then
AppState.empty ->
Logger[IO].warn(s"StateSize=${state.size} maxSize=${config.maxSize}. Dropping all!")
else state -> IO.unit
newState.addWork(move) -> effect

def acquire(key: ClientKey): IO[Option[Work.RequestWithId]] =
IO.realTimeInstant.flatMap: at =>
ref.modify(_.tryAcquireMove(key, at))

def move(workId: WorkId, apikey: ClientKey, move: BestMove): IO[Unit] =
ref.flatModify(_.applyMove(monitor, client)(workId, apikey, move))
def move(workId: WorkId, key: ClientKey, response: BestMove): IO[Unit] =
ref.flatModify: state =>
state.getWork(workId, key) match
case GetWorkResult.NotFound => state -> logNotFound(workId, key)
case GetWorkResult.AcquiredByOther(move) => state -> logNotAcquired(move, key)
case GetWorkResult.Found(work) =>
response.uci match
case Some(uci) =>
state - -> (monitor.success(work) >>
client.send(Lila.Move(, work.request.moves, uci)))
case _ =>
val (newState, io) = work.clearAssignedKey match
case None =>
state - workId -> Logger[IO].warn(
s"Give up move due to invalid move $response of key $key for $work"
case Some(updated) => state.updated(, updated) -> IO.unit
newState -> io *> failure(work, key)

def clean(since: Instant): IO[Unit] =
ref.flatModify: state =>
val timedOut = state.acquiredBefore(since)
val logs = logIfTimedOut(state, timedOut)
val (newState, gavedUpMoves) = state.updateOrGiveUp(timedOut)
newState -> logs
*> gavedUpMoves.traverse_(m => Logger[IO].warn(s"Give up move due to clean up: $m"))
*> monitor.updateSize(newState)

private def logIfTimedOut(state: AppState, timeOut: List[Work.Move]): IO[Unit] =
Logger[IO].debug(s"cleaning ${timeOut.size} of ${state.size} moves")
*> timeOut.traverse_(m => Logger[IO].info(s"Timeout move: $m"))

private def failure(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey) =
Logger[IO].warn(s"Received invalid move ${} for ${} by $clientKey")

private def logNotFound(id: WorkId, clientKey: ClientKey) =
Logger[IO].info(s"Received unknown work $id by $clientKey")

private def logNotAcquired(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey) =
s"Received unacquired move ${} for ${} by $clientKey. Work current tries: ${work.tries} acquired: ${work.acquired}"

def fromRequest(req: Lila.Request): IO[Move] =
(IO(Work.makeId), IO.realTimeInstant).mapN: (id, now) =>
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17 changes: 1 addition & 16 deletions app/src/main/scala/Monitor.scala
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Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,10 @@ import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kamon.Kamon
import kamon.metric.Timer
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import java.time.Instant

trait Monitor:
def success(work: Work.Move): IO[Unit]
def failure(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey, e: Exception): IO[Unit]
def notFound(id: WorkId, clientKey: ClientKey): IO[Unit]
def notAcquired(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey): IO[Unit]
def updateSize(map: Map[WorkId, Work.Move]): IO[Unit]

object Monitor:
Expand All @@ -23,25 +19,14 @@ object Monitor:
val lvl8AcquiredTimeRequest: Timer = Kamon.timer("move.acquired.lvl8").withoutTags()
val lvl1FullTimeRequest = Kamon.timer("move.full.lvl1").withoutTags()

def apply(using Logger[IO]): Monitor =
def apply: Monitor =
new Monitor:
def success(work: Work.Move): IO[Unit] = now =>
if work.request.level == 8 then
work.acquiredAt.foreach(at => record(lvl8AcquiredTimeRequest, at, now))
if work.request.level == 1 then record(lvl1FullTimeRequest, work.createdAt, now)

def failure(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey, e: Exception) =
Logger[IO].warn(e)(s"Received invalid move ${} for ${} by $clientKey")

def notFound(id: WorkId, clientKey: ClientKey) =
Logger[IO].info(s"Received unknown work $id by $clientKey")

def notAcquired(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey) =
s"Received unacquired move ${} for ${} by $clientKey. Work current tries: ${work.tries} acquired: ${work.acquired}"

def updateSize(map: Map[WorkId, Work.Move]): IO[Unit] =
IO.delay(dbSize.update(map.size.toDouble)) *>
IO.delay(dbQueued.update(map.count(_._2.nonAcquired).toDouble)) *>
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions app/src/main/scala/Work.scala
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Expand Up @@ -38,13 +38,14 @@ object Work:
def assignTo(clientKey: ClientKey, at: Instant) =
copy(acquired = Some(Acquired(clientKey = clientKey, date = at)), tries = tries + 1)

def timeout = copy(acquired = None)
def invalid = copy(acquired = None)

def isOutOfTries = tries >= 3

def similar(to: Move) = == && request.moves == to.request.moves

// returns the move without the acquired key if it's not out of tries
def clearAssignedKey: Option[Work.Move] =
Option.when(!isOutOfTries)(copy(acquired = None))

override def toString =
s"id:$id game:${} variant:${request.variant.key} level:${request.level} tries:$tries created:$createdAt acquired:$acquired move: ${request.moves}"

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7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions app/src/test/scala/Helper.scala
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Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ object Helper:

val noopMonitor: Monitor =
new Monitor:
def success(work: Work.Move): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def failure(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey, e: Exception): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def notFound(id: WorkId, clientKey: ClientKey): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def notAcquired(work: Work.Move, clientKey: ClientKey): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def updateSize(map: Map[WorkId, Work.Move]): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def success(work: Work.Move): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
def updateSize(map: Map[WorkId, Work.Move]): IO[Unit] = IO.unit

val noopLilaClient: LilaClient =
new LilaClient:
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