###A 32-bit RISCV compiler toolchain (c-compiler, assembler and linker) based on lcc (https://github.com/drh/lcc) and binutils from eco32 (https://github.com/hgeisse/eco32) with testcases for iverilog (https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog) running on picorv32 (https://github.com/cliffordwolf/picorv32).
#####Compilation of lcc with libraries and binutils:
#####Running the testcases:
for binutils testcase:
cd testcases/binutils
A summary of the results will be in ./results/summary.log.
For picorv32 testcase (python3 and iverilog installation required):
cd testcases/picorv32
First build the simulation:
Then either run a single test:
./runtest.sh sort
The result will be in ./sort/result/sort.log.
The simulation output will be in ./sort/result/result.log.
Or run all tests:
A summary of the results will be in ./results.log.