The True Release
CoolFontWin v1.1
Companion app for PocketStrafe iOS and Android apps
A VR locomotion solution
Allows VR locomotion by running in place. CoolFontWin receives IMU data from mobile devices over WiFi. This is done in a few steps: open a UDP listen socket, register a network service discoverable through Bonjour on the same socket, acquire and manage physical Xbox controllers, virtual gamepads, and joysticks to send input to the user's applications.
High level change-log
- v1.1 moved most of the functions from the crowded context menu into their own window (WPF/MVVM).
- v1.0 added support for virtual virtual Xbox 360 controllers.
- v0.2 began support for multiple sources of input (two mobile phones) and introduced custom sound effects, automatic ClickOnce update-checking in the background. Version 0.2.3 enabled an enlarged context menu when VR is running on the user's system.
Run attached setup.exe, x64 only.
Building from source
I use VS 2015. All of the required binaries are included in the git repo (lib folder).
Check out my GitHub stars for the many open source libraries that I used. A few of the key ones for this application include vJoy, ScpVBus, and Material Design in XAML Toolkit.