Functions for basic motor/wheel control of differential drive mobile robots
using MotorShield L298P on Arduino UNO. Implemented in C/C++
low level controller/actuator functions for basic motor control
higher low-level commands using rate, time, distance units for motion control
supports odometry using interrupt driven IR wheel encoder sensors & encoder wheels for TT-Motors
has an auto-prime function that can kick-start TT-Motors into rotation
when stalled and not enough current to escape resting inertia at low velocities -
versatile functions with intuitive semantic interface
wheel odometry using Runge-Kutte approximation
with serial terminal output of runtime results from implementation of
ICR - Instananeous Center of Rotation - equations
Example from unicycle.c
Unicycle movements with a differential drive robot
Use the wheels function to create a unicycle function that limits the
motion of the mobile robot to that of a unicycle
unicycle(FORWARD, 25, 4000) // go forward at 25% for 4 seconds
unicycle(SPIN_LEFT, 5, 2000) // spin (+) with rotational velocity (phi-dot) at 5% for 2 sec
unicycle(FORWARD, 25) // move forward @ 25% continuously
unicycle(STOP) //same as wheels(STOP,2000)