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@aleixpuigb aleixpuigb released this 16 Aug 22:29
· 26 commits to master since this release

Release Notes 2024-08-16

Ontology content summary

Metric Value
Number of subclasses of root 2769
Number of annotations on CL terms 13003
Number of synonyms 5791
Number of unique references 1968
Number of unique references in definitions 1383
Number of relationships with CL term as subject 3725
Number of cellxgene classes 686
Number of HRA classes 494
Relationships removed: 38
Subject Predicate Object
type G enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000508) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180)
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endo-epithelial cell (CL:0002076)
luminal hormone-sensing cell of mammary gland (CL:4033058) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) exocrine cell (CL:0000152)
duodenal goblet cell (CL:1000324) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) duodenum glandular cell (CL:1001589)
epithelial cell of endometrial gland (CL:0009084) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
folliculostellate cell (CL:0000642) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512)
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) ciliated epithelial cell (CL:0000067)
obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) secretory cell (CL:0000151)
peritubular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001033) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) capillary endothelial cell (CL:0002144)
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000358
small intestine goblet cell (CL:1000495) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) small intestine glandular cell (CL:1001598)
pancreatic goblet cell (CL:1000322) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) pancreas exocrine glandular cell (CL:1001599)
epithelial cell of cervix (CL:0002535) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney venous blood vessel cell (CL:1000893)
surface mucosal cell of stomach (CL:0002182) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucus secreting cell (CL:0000319)
endovascular extravillous trophoblast cell (CL:4033063) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) blood vessel endothelial cell (CL:0000071)
goblet cell (CL:0000160) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular epithelial cell (CL:0000150)
goblet cell (CL:0000160) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucus secreting cell (CL:0000319)
glandular cell of endometrium (CL:0002656) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001295
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) squamous epithelial cell (CL:0000076)
placental villus capillary endothelial cell (CL:2000062) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0010005
stem cell of gastric gland (CL:0002183) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) exocrine cell (CL:0000152)
colon goblet cell (CL:0009039) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) colon glandular cell (CL:1001588)
luminal hormone-sensing cell of mammary gland (CL:4033058) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512)
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000458
large intestine goblet cell (CL:1000320) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular cell of the large intestine (CL:0002658)
stem cell of gastric gland (CL:0002183) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180)
lung goblet cell (CL:1000143) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) lung secretory cell (CL:1000272)
glomerular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001005) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) capillary endothelial cell (CL:0002144)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892)
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000995
alveolar macrophage (CL:0000583) RO:0001025 UBERON:0002299
appendix goblet cell (CL:1000327) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) appendix glandular cell (CL:1001585)
mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001199
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
interstitial extravillous trophoblast cell (CL:4033062) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
Relationships added: 107
Subject Predicate Object
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000577)
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) dendritic cell (CL:0000451)
type G enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000508) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular epithelial cell of stomach (CL:0002659)
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
duodenal goblet cell (CL:1000324) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0008346
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
fallopian tube ciliated cell (CL:4030007) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0003889
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) RO:0002202 trophectodermal cell (CL:1000274)
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001950
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
goblet cell (CL:0000160) BFO:0000051 GO:0098594
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cholinergic neuron (CL:0000108)
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0006955
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney medulla cell (CL:1000504)
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) microvascular endothelial cell (CL:2000008)
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of cervix (CL:0002535)
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) T cell (CL:0000084)
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling T cell (CL:4033069)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) plasma cell (CL:0000786)
alveolar macrophage (CL:0000583) RO:0001025 UBERON:8850000
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) multi-ciliated epithelial cell (CL:0005012)
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) monocyte (CL:0000576)
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling macrophage (CL:4033076)
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
epithelial cell of endometrial gland (CL:0009084) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
glandular cell of endometrium (CL:0002656) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0004811
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0012252
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:0002138)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) macrophage (CL:0000235)
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0012251
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) stromal cell (CL:0000499)
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
goblet cell (CL:0000160) RO:0002215 GO:0070254
large intestine goblet cell (CL:1000320) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of large intestine (CL:0002253)
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) alveolar macrophage (CL:0000583)
stem cell of gastric gland (CL:0002183) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of stomach (CL:0002178)
cycling CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033074) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling T cell (CL:4033069)
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) myeloid cell (CL:0000763)
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) meso-epithelial cell (CL:0002078)
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
glomerular endothelial cell (CL:0002188) BFO:0000051 GO:0036053
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
inner renal medulla vasa recta cell (CL:1001126) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney venous blood vessel cell (CL:1000893)
surface mucosal cell of stomach (CL:0002182) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell (CL:0000075)
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:0000031)
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
small intestine goblet cell (CL:1000495) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of small intestine (CL:0002254)
fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell (CL:4030006) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0003889
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) capillary endothelial cell (CL:0002144)
cycling B cell (CL:4033068) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023016)
epithelial cell of cervix (CL:0002535) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glial cell (CL:0000125)
cycling B cell (CL:4033068) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033074) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:0000625)
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) serous secreting cell (CL:0000313)
glandular cell of endometrium (CL:0002656) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0005385
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) natural killer cell (CL:0000623)
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) exocrine cell (CL:0000152)
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) BFO:0000051 GO:0097729
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) uterine cervix squamous cell (CL:1001575)
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mononuclear phagocyte (CL:0000113)
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
small intestine goblet cell (CL:1000495) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001902
surface mucosal cell of stomach (CL:0002182) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001276
outer renal medulla vasa recta cell (CL:1001127) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney venous blood vessel cell (CL:1000893)
goblet cell (CL:0000160) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucus secreting cell (CL:0000319)
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081)
ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002145) BFO:0000051 GO:0031514
cycling B cell (CL:4033068) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) B cell (CL:0000236)
pancreatic goblet cell (CL:1000322) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas (CL:1001433)
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:0002063)
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) simple columnar epithelial cell (CL:0000146)
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) gamma-delta T cell (CL:0000798)
peritubular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001033) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) fenestrated endothelial cell (CL:0000666)
cycling CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033075) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling T cell (CL:4033069)
colon goblet cell (CL:0009039) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) colon epithelial cell (CL:0011108)
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) basal cell (CL:0000646)
cycling CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033075) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:0000624)
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
goblet cell (CL:0000160) BFO:0000051 GO:0005902
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0011148
appendix goblet cell (CL:1000327) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of appendix (CL:1000405)
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
Classes added: 23
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077)
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080)
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002)
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081)
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071)
cycling CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033075)
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014)
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079)
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073)
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082)
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003)
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070)
cycling CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033074)
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005)
cycling B cell (CL:4033068)
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015)
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016)
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001)
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004)
cycling T cell (CL:4033069)
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076)
Text definitions added: 23
Term New Text Definition
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) A(n) T cell that is cycling.
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077) A(n) alveolar macrophage that is cycling.
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) A(n) type EC enteroendocrine cell that is cycling.
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) A(n) monocyte that is cycling.
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) A serous secreting cell that is part of a submucosal gland in the nasal cavity respiratory epithelium.
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) A VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron expressing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and choline acetyltransferase in the Mmus neocortex. This interneuron releases both γ-aminobutyric acid and acetylcholine.
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) A(n) neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) that is cycling.
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) A(n) macrophage that is cycling.
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) A(n) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel that is cycling.
cycling CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033075) A(n) CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell that is cycling.
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) A(n) stromal cell that is cycling.
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) A(n) glial cell that is cycling.
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071) A(n) natural killer cell that is cycling.
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) A(n) plasma cell that is cycling.
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072) A(n) gamma-delta T cell that is cycling.
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) A(n) basal cell that is cycling.
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) A VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron with a soma located in L1-3 of some neocortex in Mmus. This neuron has a multipolar morphology with spiny dendrites concentrating on L1 of the cortex, and has a burst firing electrophysiological signature with highly dynamic dendritic spines.
cycling B cell (CL:4033068) A(n) B cell that is cycling.
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081) A(n) myeloid cell that is cycling.
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) A(n) pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell that is cycling.
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) A(n) mononuclear phagocyte that is cycling.
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) A(n) dendritic cell that is cycling.
cycling CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033074) A(n) CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell that is cycling.
Synonyms added: 31
Term New Synonym Predicate
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) proliferating pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) proliferating dendritic cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) proliferating endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) proliferating stromal cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) proliferating mononuclear phagocyte oio:hasExactSynonym
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) VChI oio:hasRelatedSynonym
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) proliferating glial cell oio:hasExactSynonym
Purkinje cell (CL:0000121) PC oio:hasRelatedSynonym
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) proliferating type EC enteroendocrine cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) proliferating macrophage oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) proliferating monocyte oio:hasExactSynonym
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) nasal mucous secretory cell oio:hasRelatedSynonym
Purkinje cell (CL:0000121) PN oio:hasRelatedSynonym
glandular epithelial cell of stomach (CL:0002659) glandular cell of stomach oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling basal cell (CL:4033082) proliferating basal cell oio:hasExactSynonym
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) multipolar VIP neuron oio:hasRelatedSynonym
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) proliferating T cell oio:hasExactSynonym
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) superficial VIP-positive spiny neuron oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072) proliferating gamma-delta T cell oio:hasExactSynonym
Schwann cell (CL:0002573) neurolemmocyte oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077) proliferating alveolar macrophage oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033075) proliferating CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) proliferating plasma cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell (CL:4033074) proliferating CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling natural killer cell (CL:4033071) proliferating natural killer cell oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) proliferating neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081) proliferating myeloid cell oio:hasExactSynonym
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) VIP+/ChAT+ cell oio:hasRelatedSynonym
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) VIP/ChAT interneuron oio:hasExactSynonym
cycling B cell (CL:4033068) proliferating B cell oio:hasExactSynonym
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) VIP+/ChAT+ interneuron oio:hasExactSynonym
Nodes renamed: 6
ID Old Label New Label
CL:4023007 L2/3 bipolar vip GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) L2/3 bipolar VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus)
CL:0000512 paracrine cell obsolete paracrine cell
CL:4023016 vip GABAergic cortical interneuron VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron
CL:4023019 L5/6 cck, vip GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) L5/6 cck, VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus)
CL:4023014 L5 vip GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) L5 VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus)
CL:0002659 glandular cell of stomach glandular epithelial cell of stomach
Text definitions changed: 23
Term Old Text Definition New Text Definition
glomerular endothelial cell (CL:0002188) An endothelial cell found in the glomerulus of the kidney. This cell is flattened, highly fenestrated, and plays a vital role in the formation of glomerular ultrafiltrate. An endothelial cell that is part of the glomerulus of the kidney. This cell is flattened, highly fenestrated, and plays a vital role in the formation of glomerular ultrafiltrate.
ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002145) A ciliated columnar cell found in the trachea and bronchus. Vary from low to tall columnar; possesses up to 300 cilia at its surface, interspersed with long irregular microvilli with the cilia varying in length from about 6um in the trachea to about 4um in the terminal bronchioles; driving force of the ciliary current in the bronchial tree. A multi-ciliated epithelial cell located in the trachea and bronchi, characterized by a columnar shape and motile cilia on its apical surface. These cilia facilitate mucociliary clearance by moving mucus and trapped particles toward the pharynx.
kidney cortex peritubular capillary cell (CL:1001124) Any peritubular capillary endothelial cell that is part of some renal cortex peritubular capillary. An endothelial cell that is part of the peritubular capillary of the renal cortex.
kidney afferent arteriole endothelial cell (CL:1001096) Any endothelial cell that is part of some renal afferent arteriole. An endothelial cell that lines the interior surface of the afferent arteriole and maintains vascular tone. This cell responds to changing ion concentrations and blood pressure by releasing vasoactive substances, in order to regulate blood flow into the glomeruli, which is essential for glomerular filtration.
glomerular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001005) Any kidney capillary endothelial cell that is part of some glomerular capillary endothelium. An endothelial cell that is part of the glomerular capillary of the kidney.
L2/3 bipolar VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) (CL:4023007) A vip GABAergic cortical interneuron with bipolar morphology, with a soma found in L2/3. L2/3 bipolar vip cells have extending axons across all layers (with preferences for layers II/III and Va) and a dendritic tree that is vertically more restricted than deeper layer vip cells and extend fewer dendrites into the layers outside their home layer (location of soma). L2/3 bipolar vip cells have great variability in firing patterns, though most are continuous adapting. L2/3 bipolar vip cells are more depolarized in their resting state, had less fast rectification, and had smaller after hyperpolarization than deeper vip cells. A VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron with bipolar morphology, with a soma found in L2/3. L2/3 bipolar VIP cells have extending axons across all layers (with preferences for layers II/III and Va) and a dendritic tree that is vertically more restricted than deeper layer VIP cells and extend fewer dendrites into the layers outside their home layer (location of soma). L2/3 bipolar VIP cells have great variability in firing patterns, though most are continuous adapting. L2/3 bipolar VIP cells are more depolarized in their resting state, had less fast rectification, and had smaller after hyperpolarization than deeper VIP cells.
kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892) Any kidney blood vessel cell that is part of some kidney capillary. An endothelial cell that is part of the capillary of the kidney.
goblet cell (CL:0000160) A cell of the epithelial lining that produce and secrete mucins. A specialized, columnar, mucus secreting epithelial cell shaped like a flask or goblet. A narrow basal end contains the nucleus while the apical end is swollen by the accumulation of mucus laden secretory granules. Short microvilli project from the apical plasma membrane.
kidney afferent arteriole cell (CL:1001006) Any kidney arterial blood vessel cell that is part of some renal afferent arteriole. An endothelial cell which is part of the afferent arteriole in the kidney. This cell is responsible for maintaining renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate.
L5/6 cck, VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) (CL:4023019) A vip GABAergic cortical interneuron that expresses cck. L5/6 cck cells have soma found mainly in L5 and L6 and have large axonal arborization. A VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron that expresses cck. L5/6 cck cells have soma found mainly in L5 and L6 and have large axonal arborization.
kidney outer medulla peritubular capillary cell (CL:1001123) Any peritubular capillary endothelial cell that is part of some outer renal medulla peritubular capillary. An endothelial cell that is part of the peritubular capillary of the outer renal medulla.
kidney afferent arteriole smooth muscle cell (CL:1001097) Any smooth muscle cell that is part of some renal afferent arteriole. A smooth muscle cell found in the wall of the afferent arteriole. This cell contracts and relaxes in response to changes in blood pressure, a process known as a myogenic response, to alter artery diameter and regulate blood flow into the glomeruli.
peritubular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001033) An endothelial cell that is part of some peritubular capillary. An endothelial cell that is part of the peritubular capillary of the kidney. This cell is highly fenestrated and plays a vital role in the kidney's filtration process, enabling the exchange of materials between the blood and the renal tubules.
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) A columnar cell of the cervix uteri. A simple columnar epithelial cell located in the endocervix.
luminal endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030041) A ciliated cell of the endometrial luminal epithelium. A ciliated cell of the endometrial luminal epithelium. This cell is characterized by the presence of motile cilia on its apical surface.
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) An epithelial cell of the uterus. An epithelial cell of the uterus. This cell has a mesodermal origin.
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) A nonstratified squamous cell located in the ectocervix. A stratified squamous epithelial cell located in the ectocervix.
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) A ciliated cell of the endometrial epithelium. The cilia of this cell type help move mucus from glandular tissue of the endometrium. A multi-ciliated cell of the endometrial epithelium. This cell is characterized by the presence of 9+2 motile cilia on its apical surface, which facilitates the movement of mucus across the endometrial surface.
L5 VIP GABAergic interneuron (Mmus) (CL:4023014) A vip GABAergic cortical interneuron with a soma found in L5. L5 vip cells have mostly local morphology with some deep-projecting axons. They show only moderate resistance, comparable to that of sst subclass and unlike typical Vip subclass cells that tend to show high input resistance. L5 vip cells show particularly low resting membrane potential. A VIP GABAergic cortical interneuron with a soma found in L5. L5 VIP cells have mostly local morphology with some deep-projecting axons. They show only moderate resistance, comparable to that of sst subclass and unlike typical VIP subclass cells that tend to show high input resistance. L5 VIP cells show particularly low resting membrane potential.
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) A cell lining the outside of the blastocyst. After binding to the endometrium, trophoblast cells develop into two distinct layers, an inner layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblast cells and an outer layer of continuous multinuclear cytoplasm, the syncytiotrophoblast cells, which form the early fetal-maternal interface. An extraembryonic cell that develops from a trophectodermal cell. This cell is found in the outer layer of the blastocyst and can invade other structures in the uterus once the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall. A trophoblast cell is involved in the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, placental formation, remodelling of maternal vasculature in the uterus, nutrient and gas exchange, hormone production, and immune modulation to support fetal development.
mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180) A mucous cell in the epithelium of the stomach. An epithelial cell of the stomach. This cell produces mucous.
glandular endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030042) A ciliated cell of the endometrial glandular epithelium. A ciliated cell of the endometrial glandular epithelium. This cell is characterized by the presence of motile cilia on its apical surface.
Purkinje cell (CL:0000121) The output neuron of the cerebellar cortex. An inhibitory neuron and the sole output neuron of the cerebellar cortex, the Purkinje cell's soma is located between the granular and molecular layers of the cerebellum. It is one of the largest neural cells in the mammalian brain, ranging from 50 to 80 micrometres in diameter. Purkinje cells have planar, fan-shaped dendrites that branch extensively with little overlap. This cell type receives synaptic input from parallel fibres, which modulate high-frequency spike activity known as "simple spikes," and climbing fibres, which modulate infrequent calcium spike activity known as "complex spikes". Purkinje cells are involved in motor coordination, particularly in correcting movements in progress.
Synonyms removed: 2
Term Removed Synonym
Purkinje cell (CL:0000121) Purkinje's cell
Purkinje cell (CL:0000121) cerebellum Purkinje cell
Mappings added: 1
Subject Predicate Object
nasal serous secreting cell (CL:4042016) oio:hasDbXref
Nodes added to subset: 2
Term Subset
hair follicle melanocyte (CL:0002483) human_reference_atlas
hair germinal matrix cell (CL:0002562) human_reference_atlas
Nodes obsoleted without replacement: 1
obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512)
Text definitions removed: 1
Term Removed Text Definition
obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512) A paracrine cell is a secretory cell that secretes an agonist into intercellular spaces in which it diffuses to a target cell other than that which produced it.
Mappings removed: 1
Subject Predicate Object
obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512) oio:hasDbXref ZFA:0009233

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2024-07-10...v2024-08-16