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Releases: obophenotype/cell-ontology


16 Aug 22:29
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Release Notes 2024-08-16

Ontology content summary

Metric Value
Number of subclasses of root 2769
Number of annotations on CL terms 13003
Number of synonyms 5791
Number of unique references 1968
Number of unique references in definitions 1383
Number of relationships with CL term as subject 3725
Number of cellxgene classes 686
Number of HRA classes 494
Relationships removed: 38
Subject Predicate Object
type G enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000508) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180)
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endo-epithelial cell (CL:0002076)
luminal hormone-sensing cell of mammary gland (CL:4033058) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) exocrine cell (CL:0000152)
duodenal goblet cell (CL:1000324) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) duodenum glandular cell (CL:1001589)
epithelial cell of endometrial gland (CL:0009084) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
folliculostellate cell (CL:0000642) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512)
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) ciliated epithelial cell (CL:0000067)
obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) secretory cell (CL:0000151)
peritubular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001033) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) capillary endothelial cell (CL:0002144)
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000358
small intestine goblet cell (CL:1000495) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) small intestine glandular cell (CL:1001598)
pancreatic goblet cell (CL:1000322) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) pancreas exocrine glandular cell (CL:1001599)
epithelial cell of cervix (CL:0002535) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney venous blood vessel cell (CL:1000893)
surface mucosal cell of stomach (CL:0002182) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucus secreting cell (CL:0000319)
endovascular extravillous trophoblast cell (CL:4033063) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) blood vessel endothelial cell (CL:0000071)
goblet cell (CL:0000160) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular epithelial cell (CL:0000150)
goblet cell (CL:0000160) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucus secreting cell (CL:0000319)
glandular cell of endometrium (CL:0002656) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001295
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) squamous epithelial cell (CL:0000076)
placental villus capillary endothelial cell (CL:2000062) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0010005
stem cell of gastric gland (CL:0002183) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) exocrine cell (CL:0000152)
colon goblet cell (CL:0009039) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) colon glandular cell (CL:1001588)
luminal hormone-sensing cell of mammary gland (CL:4033058) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) obsolete paracrine cell (CL:0000512)
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000458
large intestine goblet cell (CL:1000320) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular cell of the large intestine (CL:0002658)
stem cell of gastric gland (CL:0002183) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180)
lung goblet cell (CL:1000143) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) lung secretory cell (CL:1000272)
glomerular capillary endothelial cell (CL:1001005) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) capillary endothelial cell (CL:0002144)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney capillary endothelial cell (CL:1000892)
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000995
alveolar macrophage (CL:0000583) RO:0001025 UBERON:0002299
appendix goblet cell (CL:1000327) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) appendix glandular cell (CL:1001585)
mucous cell of stomach (CL:0002180) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001199
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
interstitial extravillous trophoblast cell (CL:4033062) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
Relationships added: 107
Subject Predicate Object
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000577)
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) dendritic cell (CL:0000451)
type G enteroendocrine cell (CL:0000508) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glandular epithelial cell of stomach (CL:0002659)
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
duodenal goblet cell (CL:1000324) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0008346
cycling pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:4033080) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
fallopian tube ciliated cell (CL:4030007) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0003889
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) RO:0002202 trophectodermal cell (CL:1000274)
spiny VIP neuron (CL:4042014) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001950
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
goblet cell (CL:0000160) BFO:0000051 GO:0098594
VIP-ChAT interneuron (CL:4042015) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cholinergic neuron (CL:0000108)
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0006955
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling myeloid cell (CL:4033081)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney medulla cell (CL:1000504)
cycling dendritic cell (CL:4033070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
vasa recta cell (CL:1001036) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) microvascular endothelial cell (CL:2000008)
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of cervix (CL:0002535)
cycling T cell (CL:4033069) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) T cell (CL:0000084)
cycling gamma-delta T cell (CL:4033072) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling T cell (CL:4033069)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) plasma cell (CL:0000786)
alveolar macrophage (CL:0000583) RO:0001025 UBERON:8850000
endometrial ciliated epithelial cell (CL:4030040) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) multi-ciliated epithelial cell (CL:0005012)
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078)
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
cycling monocyte (CL:4033073) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) monocyte (CL:0000576)
cycling alveolar macrophage (CL:4033077) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cycling macrophage (CL:4033076)
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:4047004) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
epithelial cell of endometrial gland (CL:0009084) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of uterus (CL:0002149)
cycling neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) (CL:4047005) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
glandular cell of endometrium (CL:0002656) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0004811
columnar cell of endocervix (CL:0002152) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0012252
cycling glial cell (CL:4047002) RO:0000086 PATO:0002354
cycling endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:4033079) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:0002138)
cycling plasma cell (CL:4047003) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
cycling macrophage (CL:4033076) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) macrophage (CL:0000235)
squamous cell of ectocervix (CL:0002244) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0012251
cycling mononuclear phagocyte (CL:4033078) RO:0000056 GO:0022402
trophoblast cell (CL:0000351) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
cycling stromal cell (CL:4047001) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) stromal cell (CL:0000499)
cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell (CL:404...
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10 Jul 14:27
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Release Notes 2024-07-10

Ontology content summary

Metric Value
Number of subclasses of root 2747
Number of annotations on CL terms 12904
Number of synonyms 5740
Number of unique references 1968
Number of unique references in definitions 1355
Number of relationships with CL term as subject 3743
Number of cellxgene classes 686
Number of HRA classes 494
Relationships removed: 77
Subject Predicate Object
sncg GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023015) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
sncg GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023015) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron (CL:0010011)
kidney afferent arteriole cell (CL:1001006) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney corpuscule cell (CL:1000612)
bronchioalveolar stem cell (CL:0002638) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) basal cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole (CL:1000350)
bronchioalveolar stem cell (CL:0002638) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) basal cell of epithelium of respiratory bronchiole (CL:1000351)
endothelial cell of Peyer's patch (CL:1000411) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of small intestine (CL:0002254)
respiratory epithelial cell (CL:0002368) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0000065
basal cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole (CL:1000350) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
basal cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole (CL:1000350) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002202)
basal cell of epithelium of lobular bronchiole (CL:1000352) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
basal cell of epithelium of lobular bronchiole (CL:1000352) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002202)
lymph node lymphatic vessel endothelial cell (CL:0009115) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001473
lymph node lymphatic vessel endothelial cell (CL:0009115) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
endothelial cell of placenta (CL:0009092) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) placental epithelial cell (CL:0002577)
lymphatic endothelial cell of subcapsular sinus floor (CL:0009108) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:0002138)
basal cell of epithelium of trachea (CL:1000348) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) tracheal epithelial cell (CL:0000307)
endothelial cell of venule of lymph node (CL:4033000) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
blood vessel endothelial cell (CL:0000071) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) squamous epithelial cell (CL:0000076)
vip GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023016) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
vip GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023016) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron (CL:0010011)
mesothelial cell of visceral pleura (CL:1000493) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
lung neuroendocrine cell (CL:1000223) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
endothelial cell of central vein of liver (CL:4033061) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
colon endothelial cell (CL:1001572) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) colon epithelial cell (CL:0011108)
kidney arteriole smooth muscle cell (CL:1001066) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) meso-epithelial cell (CL:0002078)
epithelial cell of alveolus of lung (CL:0010003) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
alveolar capillary type 1 endothelial cell (CL:4028002) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of alveolus of lung (CL:0010003)
deuterosomal cell (CL:4033044) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0004802
endothelial cell of efferent lymphatic vessel (CL:4033006) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002202) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0007196
epithelial cell of upper respiratory tract (CL:0002631) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001557
endothelial cell (CL:0000115) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) meso-epithelial cell (CL:0002078)
endothelial cell of sinusoid (CL:0002262) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
respiratory goblet cell (CL:0002370) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0004802
lymphatic endothelial cell of trabecula (CL:0009109) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:0002138)
ovarian microvascular endothelial cell (CL:2000065) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of urethra (CL:1000296)
lymphatic endothelial cell of medulla ceiling (CL:0009110) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel (CL:0002138)
caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (CL:4023064) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) interneuron (CL:0000099)
obsolete caudal ganglionic eminence derived GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron (CL:0010011)
obsolete caudal ganglionic eminence derived GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023070) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (CL:4023064)
kidney proximal convoluted tubule epithelial cell (CL:1000838) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of proximal tubule (CL:0002306)
endothelial cell of respiratory system lymphatic vessel (CL:0009086) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
lamp5 GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023011) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
lamp5 GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL:4023011) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron (CL:0010011)
fenestrated endothelial cell (CL:0000666) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell (CL:0000066)
epithelial cell of proximal tubule segment 3 (CL:4030011) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of proximal tubule (CL:0002306)
glomerular endothelial cell (CL:0002188) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
glomerular endothelial cell (CL:0002188) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) glomerular cell (CL:1000746)
kidney blood vessel cell (CL:1000854) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) renal cortical epithelial cell (CL:0002584)
epithelial cell of lower respiratory tract (CL:0002632) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001558
brush border epithelial cell (CL:0000239) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) ciliated epithelial cell (CL:0000067)
epithelial cell of proximal tubule segment 1 (CL:4030009) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of proximal tubule (CL:0002306)
kidney efferent arteriole cell (CL:1001009) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) kidney corpuscule cell (CL:1000612)
basal cell of epithelium of respiratory bronchiole (CL:1000351) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
basal cell of epithelium of respiratory bronchiole (CL:1000351) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL:0002202)
endothelial cell of high endothelial venule (CL:0002652) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell (CL:0000075)
respiratory suprabasal cell (CL:4033048) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0004802
pulmonary alveolar type 2 cell (CL:0002063) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) BFO:0000002
lung endothelial cell (CL:1001567) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of lung (CL:0000082)
corneal endothelial cell (CL:0000132) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) neurecto-epithelial cell (CL:0000710)
dermis microvascular lymphatic vessel endothelial cell (CL:2000041) BFO:0000050 UBERON:0008339
kidney venous system smooth muscle cell (CL:1001068) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) meso-epithelial cell (CL:0002078)
endothelial cell of hepatic portal vein (CL:0009094) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) endothelial cell (CL:0000115)
kidney artery smooth muscle cell (CL:1001064) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) meso-epithelial cell (CL:0002078)
epithelial cell of proximal tubule segment 2 (CL:4030010) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) epithelial cell of proximal tubule (CL:0002306)
epithelial cell of proximal tubule (CL:0002306) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) brush border epithelial cell (CL:0000239)
squamous endothelial cell (CL:0002653) subClassOf (rdfs:subClassOf) squamous epithelial cell (...
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15 May 14:40
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Ontology content summary

Metric Value
Number of subclasses of root 2743
Number of annotations on CL terms 12857
Number of synonyms 5718
Number of unique references 1965
Number of unique references in definitions 1335
Number of relationships with CL term as subject 7449
Number of cellxgene classes 686
Number of HRA classes 493

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024-04-05...v2024-05-15


08 Apr 08:23
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024-02-13...v2024-04-05


13 Feb 14:16
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Detailed differences for this release can be viewed in the diff file.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024-01-04...v2024-02-13


04 Jan 14:31
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Detailed differences for this release can be viewed at

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2023-12-05...v2024-01-04


05 Dec 16:34
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Detailed differences for this release can be viewed at

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023-10-19...v2023-12-05


19 Oct 13:57
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Detailed differences for this release can be viewed at

Note that abbreviation has been replaced by abbreviation.

What's Changed

  • Standardised annotation property: abbreviation by @bvarner-ebi in #2159
  • Deleted reports folder from root by @bvarner-ebi in #2161
  • Edited subclasses of 'kidney cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2163
  • Added new term 'TCR-positive macrophage' by @bvarner-ebi in #2162
  • Fixed unsat for syncytiotrophoblast cell by @aleixpuigb in #2165
  • Added new term onychocyte by @aleixpuigb in #2168
  • Edited Hofbauer cell by @aleixpuigb in #2170
  • Added RO:0002100 ‘has soma location’ to get_scope_query method by @ubyndr in #2174
  • Added new terms for region-agnostic L2/3-6 intratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic cortical neurons (by layer) by @bvarner-ebi in #2181
  • Updated reference term for general upper level slim by @aleixpuigb in #2186
  • Edited PURL for abbreviation in by @bvarner-ebi in #2188
  • Added new term 'ureteric bud cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2185
  • Changed foaf:depicted_by to foaf:depiction by @anitacaron in #2184
  • Added new terms for lactocyte subtypes by @aleixpuigb in #2189
  • Edited 'chandelier cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2190
  • Added new terms for mammary luminal epithelial cells by @aleixpuigb in #2187
  • Refreshed imports 10-2023 by @bvarner-ebi in #2192
  • Edited and relabelled 'mammary alveolar cell' to lactocyte by @aleixpuigb in #2196
  • Removed CARO import by @anitacaron in #2199
  • Edited lactocyte textual definition by @aleixpuigb in #2201
  • Removed oort step from the release pipeline by @anitacaron in #2204
  • CL release 2023-10-19 by @bvarner-ebi in #2205

Full Changelog: v2023-09-21...v2023-10-19


21 Sep 10:18
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Detailed differences for this release can be viewed at

Note that three classes have been obsoleted:
'animal cell'
'native cell'
'somatic cell'

What's Changed

  • Classified amacrine cells GABA vs glycine and dendrite field by @aleixpuigb in #2096
  • Edited 'polyploid cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2129
  • Edited regarding cross-references by @bvarner-ebi in #2130
  • Updated synonym type on "subcapsular thymic epithelial cell" by @bvarner-ebi in #2131
  • Removed synonyms that were the same as labels by @aleixpuigb in #2132
  • Added label synonym polysemy check by @anitacaron in #2112
  • Removed import folder in the root level by @anitacaron in #2135
  • Added OMO as import by @anitacaron in #2134
  • Refreshed imports 09-2023 by @bvarner-ebi in #2142
  • Made plural synonym annotations consistent by @bvarner-ebi in #2143
  • Added new term 'airway submucosal gland duct ciliated cell' by @aleixpuigb in #2145
  • Edited text definition of 'L2/3 intratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic neuron of the primary motor cortex' by @bvarner-ebi in #2149
  • Added synonym to 'luteal cell' by @aleixpuigb in #2146
  • Obsoleted 'native cell' and 'animal cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2147
  • Obsoleted 'somatic cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2151
  • Shortened labels for BDS terms by @shawntanzk in #1806
  • Added new term 'mesenchymal stem cell of orbital adipose tissue' by @paulacalipho in #2153
  • Refreshed imports 09-2023 by @bvarner-ebi in #2156
  • CL release 2023-09-21 by @bvarner-ebi in #2157

Full Changelog: v2023-08-24...v2023-09-21


24 Aug 09:37
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What's Changed

  • Released diff poster by @shawntanzk in #1732
  • Edited editor guidelines regarding CL labels with anatomical references by @bvarner-ebi in #2078
  • Changed telocyte and lymphoblast subclass to seperate subclass by @shawntanzk in #2087
  • Replaced invalid DOI IRIs in xrefs with doi: CURIE strings by @balhoff in #2089
  • Edited 'olfactory granule cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2085
  • Edited abbreviation related synonyms by @aleixpuigb in #2091
  • Added new terms for retinal ganglion cells by @aleixpuigb in #2090
  • Obsoleted 'acid secreting cell' and Edited 'parietal cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2098
  • Merged 'choroid plexus cell' into 'choroid plexus epithelial cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2088
  • Edited 'pain receptor cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2104
  • Added 'depicted by' statements to SwissBioPics by @lubianat in #2092
  • Removed IAO from imports by @anitacaron in #2093
  • Made additional edits to 'pain receptor cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2105
  • Edited editor guidelines regarding annotation property 'see also' by @bvarner-ebi in #2109
  • Added "cell" to synonyms of 'syncytiotrophoblast cell' by @shawntanzk in #2108
  • Removed horizontal cell parent term from amacrine cells by @aleixpuigb in #2107
  • Edited editor guidelines regarding MeSH cross-references by @bvarner-ebi in #2115
  • Edited editor guidelines regarding URL cross-references by @bvarner-ebi in #2116
  • Edited MeSH Tree Number cross-references by @bvarner-ebi in #2114
  • Added new term 'perivascular cell' by @aleixpuigb in #2120
  • Edited 'lung neuroendocrine cell' by @bvarner-ebi in #2118
  • Refreshed imports 08-2023 by @bvarner-ebi in #2123
  • CL release 2023-08-24 by @bvarner-ebi in #2125

Full Changelog: v2023-07-20...v2023-08-24