EDS parser library for ODVA's CIP® protocol family(EtherNet/IP®, DeviceNet®,...)
CIP, CIP Energy, CIP Motion, CIP Security, CIP Safety, CIP Sync, CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, QuickConnect.
Visit http://www.odva.org for product information and publications
EDS stands for Electronic Data Sheet and is a set of data that provides all of the information necessary to access and alter the configurable parameters of a device (CIP, CANopen, ...).
Use cases:
- Batch processing of EDS files
- To find out which devices are supporting a specific CIP object or feature (i.e. CIP Security)
- To change contents of multiple of EDS files (i.e. Add a new section to all EDSs with a specific ProductCode)
- Automation
- To implement automated scripts/tests
- Automated establishment of IO connections or other types of connections
- To implement QA scripts to make sure the EDS file matches a device configuration
- To Create new EDS files
- To implement automated scripts/tests
- Format conversion
- To convert EDS data into other formats such as XML / JSON and feed the applications that do not understand the EDS notations
# Demo1.py
from eds_pie import eds_pie
with open('demo.eds', 'r') as srcfile:
eds_content = srcfile.read()
eds = eds_pie.parse(eds_content, showprogress = True)
print eds.protocol
for section in eds.sections:
print section
for entry in section.entries:
print ' ', entry
for field in entry.fields:
print ' ', field
## or use the list method of the eds object
eds.list('file', 'DescText')
# Demo2.py
from eds_pie import eds_pie
with open('demo.eds', 'r') as srcfile:
eds_content = srcfile.read()
eds = eds_pie.parse(eds_content, showprogress = True)
if eds.protocol == 'EtherNetIP':
entry = eds.getentry('device', 'ProdType')
field = entry.fields[0]
if field.value == 12:
print 'This is an EtherNet/IP Communication adapter device.'
# Alternate way: The value attribute of an entry always returns its first field value.
if entry.value == 12:
print 'This is an EtherNet/IP Communication adapter device.'
if eds.hassection(0x5D):
The device is capable of CIP security.
Do some stuff with security objects.
print 'Device doesn\'t support CIP security'
- EDS.addsection( sectionname )
- EDS.addentry( sectionname, entryname )
- EDS.addfield( sectionname, entryname, fieldvalue, [fielddatatype] )
- EDS.getsection( sectionname/cip_class_id ) To get a specific section element
- EDS.getentry( sectionname, entryname ) To get a sepecific entry element
- EDS.getfield( sectionname, entryname, fieldindex / fieldname ) To get a sepecific field element
- EDS.getvalue( sectionname, entryname, fieldindex / fieldname ) To get the value of an addressed field
- EDS.get_cip_section_name(classid, protocol=None) To get the section_kay for a CIP object specified by its CIP Class ID
- EDS.hassection( sectionname/cip_class_id )
- EDS.hasenry( sectionname, entryname )
- EDS.hasfield( sectionname, entryname, fieldindex )
- EDS.list( [sectionname], [entryname]) To print out a list of EDS elements (sections, entries, fields)
- EDS.removesection( sectionname )
- EDS.removeentry( sectionname, entryname )
- EDS.removefield( sectionname, entryname, fieldindex )
- EDS.resolve_epath( epath ) To resolve an epath containing reference to params
- EDS.save( [filename], [overwrite] ) To save the EDS contents into a file
- EDS.setvalue( sectionname, entryname, fieldindex, value ) To set value of an addressed field
- EDS.protocol To get the string protocol name of the eds file (generic, EtherNetIP, ...)
- EDS.sections An iterable list of EDS sections
section.getentry( entryname )
section.addentry( entryname )
section.getfield( entryname, fieldindex / fieldname )
- section.name to get string name of the section
- section.entrycount to get the number of entries for this section
- section.entries An iterable list of Section Entries
- entry.getfield( fieldindex / fieldname )
- entry.addfield( fieldvalue, [datatype] )
- entry.name to get string name of the entry
- entry.fieldcount to get the number of fields for this entry
- entry.fields An iterable list of Entry Fields
- field.name to get string name of the field
- field.index to get the index of this field in the of parent entry fields
- field.value to get / set the value of the field
- field.datatype to get the data-type object of this field
All object are printable using the print instruction
To retrieve the maximum information about the parsing process, set the logging level of eds_pie to DEBUG. In the debug mode, a list of parsed tokens will be displayed.
import logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s.%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from eds_pie import eds_pie
with open('demo.eds', 'r') as srcfile:
eds_content = srcfile.read()
eds = eds_pie.parse(eds_content, showprogress = True)