Electrical connection actuator modules
- the electrical interface of the actuator modules consists of a 5 pole encoder wire and 3 motor phase wires
- for the encoder wires we use 0,14 mm² Kabeltronik wires with a 5 pole Hirose DF13 connector
- for crimping the wires you will need the DF13 crimp terminals and the Hirose DF13 crimp tool
- the color code and pin assignment is documented below
- for the motor phase wires we use 0,50 mm² Kabeltronik wires with 2mm Reely gold connectors
- we measure the wire length of the actuator modules from the surface where the wires exit the shell to the connector interface
Encoder wiring with Kabeltronik wires
Fully assembled micro driver stack
- we use right angle pin headers for connecting the motor phase and power wires to the micro driver board
- for the motor phase wires we use 0,50 mm² Kabeltronik wires with 2mm Reely gold connectors
- for the power supply wires wie use 0,50 mm² Kabeltronik wires with XT30 power connectors
- we measure the wire length of the electronics from the edge of the electronis board to the connector interface.
Wire length electronics boards
- for the SPI connections between the master board and the micro driver boards we use 0,14 mm² Kabeltronik wires with two 5 pole Hirose DF13 connectors
- for crimping the wires you will need the DF13 crimp terminals and the Hirose DF13 crimp tool
- the color code and pin assignment is documented below
- the spi bus operates at high frequencies - keep the wires short
SPI bus connection between the master board and the micro driver boards
Wire for Inertia Measurement Unit
- for connecting the inertia measurement unit to the master board we use a ribbon cable with a 10 pin rectangular connector and extension wires with a 4 pin Hirose connector
- the pin assignment is documented here: Master Board Wiring
Robot Interface Wire - Supply Side
- for powering the robots we use 1 mm² Kabeltronik wires with 4mm power connectors on the supply side
- to reduce the diameter and stiffness of the wire we use a self-made 4 pole ethernet wire
- the color code and pin assignment is documented below - the ethernet connectors are identical on both sides
- for crimping the ethernet connectors you will need the corresponding crimp tool
- you can use a standard ethernet wire instead
Self-made ethernet wire with 4 connections
Robot Interface Wire - Robot Side
- for powering the robots we use 1 mm² Kabeltronik wires with XT30 power connectors on the robot side
Encoder wiring with ribbon cables
Encoder wiring with ribbon cables
- for communicating with the Texas Instruments Evaluation Boards we use a 2 pole wire with a 9 pin D-sub connector
- on the computer side we use a PEAK PCI Express CAN card
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Felix Grimminger
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft and New York University