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zhongyifeng yifengzhong-cat
Graduated from Ocean University of China. Algorithm Engineer.

Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co.Ltd shenzhen,China

Akira Nakashima akchry3

Nanzan University Nagoya

enesavcu avcuenes
An autonomous robotics engineer #C++ #ROS #MATLAB #Python #Robotics #AutonomousDriving #Optimization #ModelPredictiveControl #PX4 #NavigationaandGuidance
Jiayang UltramarineW
道阻且长 行则将至

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Wei Yan yw9803

Beijing Institute of Technology

Rui Zhang TwilightZrui
Major in perceptive locomotion of legged robotics.

Zhejiang University Beijing

王海东 donghaiwang

湖南工商大学 中国

Jubo Jiang JiangJubo
Jubo Jiang is currently pursuing a PhD at the Institute of Automation, CAS, and graduated from UESTC.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science Beijing

Mohsen Amiri mhsnar
PhD student in Mechanical Engineering - Robotics

Washington State University US

Michael Sun MichaelSun1001
Master of Communication Engineering, Research Interests:SLAM、Multi-Sensor Fusion、3D/4D Reconstruction、Autonomous Driving、E2E。


cd01 changzhengwu


杨太文 ytwboxing
Xin Chen XinChen-stars
I am a students of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing

KimJinwoo rlawlsdn1130

Hyundai-Rotem Repulic of Korea

Hang Liu 66Lau
Bug-free day, Coding away :)

Umich Xi'an, China

Lai Junhang Mr-tooth
PhD student of Beijing Institute of Technology. Rookie bird expert in Humanoid Robot.

Beijing Institute of Technology

Daniel Sotelo danisotelo
Robotics Engineer @ CAR | Innovating at the intersection of robotics, computer vision, and AI 🚀

Technical University of Madrid Madrid

Giulio Turrisi giulioturrisi
Robotics researcher

Dynamic Legged Systems Lab Genova, Italy

I am an undergraduate student from IIIS (Yao Class), Tsinghua University.

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Zhifa Chen byChenZhifa
Beihang University,PhD, 2020.9-; Beihang University,Master, 2017.9-2020.6; Jilin University,Bachler,2013.9-2017.6


skywoodsz skywoodsz

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Hongli Li sysu19351064
Hi! I am a graduate student at Sun Yat-sen University, majoring in robotics.

Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou, China


Southeast University

Curious about tech. Learning tech to integrate platforms in solving some of the world's leading problems, hoping to build a personal technical assistant/robot.